Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Presidential Debate

 The media has created a circus with our presidential candidates.  The media are selling newspapers profiting off of this train wreck.  Television and internet outlets are also profiting off of this political train wreck.  

Again, I don't care for either candidate.  I refuse to name them by name as that would only encourage an algorithm.  

That's what it's all about these days.  Selling advertising and profiting off of algorithms.  

Sad to say that democrats have severely castrated themselves with their front runner.  He could not complete a coherent sentence last night.  He stammered, he stuttered, he stared off into space.  He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named ate him for lunch.  It was almost pathetic to watch. 

Our current vice president, who is nowhere to be found these days, is nothing but a "diversity, equity and inclusion" box checker whose sole purpose was to appeal to as many ethnic groups and women as possible.  

Look where that got us.

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