Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Presidential Debate

 The media has created a circus with our presidential candidates.  The media are selling newspapers profiting off of this train wreck.  Television and internet outlets are also profiting off of this political train wreck.  

Again, I don't care for either candidate.  I refuse to name them by name as that would only encourage an algorithm.  

That's what it's all about these days.  Selling advertising and profiting off of algorithms.  

Sad to say that democrats have severely castrated themselves with their front runner.  He could not complete a coherent sentence last night.  He stammered, he stuttered, he stared off into space.  He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named ate him for lunch.  It was almost pathetic to watch. 

Our current vice president, who is nowhere to be found these days, is nothing but a "diversity, equity and inclusion" box checker whose sole purpose was to appeal to as many ethnic groups and women as possible.  

Look where that got us.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Sonoma County: Proposition J

  I've seen some pretty gruesome things happen on the farm growing up.  No matter what anybody tries to tell you, nature is not always pretty....most of which is without rainbows and unicorns.....and it has nothing to do with what farmers are being accused of doing things to animals.  It's what animals do to other animals and all sorts of other stuff that nobody would understand unless they actually lived on a farm.  

Attention Berkeley vegan zealots......Wipe the Walton Family country farm innocence off your faces right now.  It's a war zone out there with animals eating other animals whether or not you're a vegan.   

But here they come....pushing Proposition J.......bussed in radicals from Berkeley who never spent a summer working on a farm telling Sonoma County families with roots 150 years in the community how to do things.  Never mind they don't live here and can't vote on the measure they are pushing.  They just want to shove their beliefs down our throats and watching our founders implode in the process. 

Attention Bezerkeley radicals:  You don't live here.  You don't pay taxes here.  You don't belong here.  

We have been fine for the past couple of centuries WITHOUT you.  You need us more than we need you.  You want to move here.  We don't want you.   


Thursday, June 6, 2024


 My sister is out here visiting from Minnesota.  I love it.  I especially love the fact that she is here visiting and there is not a graduation, wedding, nor any other family occasion that is distracting from the visit.  

We stay up until 3:00 AM sitting around my fire pit simply talking about our childhood experiences and reminiscing. We talk about things that mean absolutely nothing to anybody except to that is our right sitting by the privacy of my fire pit......we speak of our royal ancestors who escaped the Catholic vs. Protestant fight with William of Orange.  We are William of Orange's bastard offspring he shipped off to New Amsterdam (before it was New York City) to escape prosecution as he *knew* $hi+ was about to hit the fan.  Granted, we are his bastard offspring.  He cared enough to put us on a boat for New Amsterdam to escape the prosecution he saw coming.  He cared enough make sure we all did not get killed in the political upheaval - as he did.

Now that we are established in North America, we speak of the fights involving our ancestors while moving westward and pioneering.  Do we remain faithful to our homeland?  Do we pledge allegiance to the flag....of the United States of America......... Do we even know at this point where we even evolved from?  We are so interbred and removed from Europe at this point we don't have a clue to whom our "mother country" even is.  

All I can state is that my sister and I are having a spirited discussions about our ancestry.  There are a lot of moving parts to it on both sides.  

Yes, my siblings and I are EuroTrash mutts.  We check pretty much every box for the central and northwestern Europe genome.  Yes, there was "intermingling" with the American Natives and god-only-knows-what-else-along the way since the European ancestors landed in North America.     

Who's counting that?

Again, I am a MUTT.   We lowly mutts are loyal and will love our masters and defend them till death.