Sunday, March 10, 2024

French Bulldogs Part II

 Sonoma County is a small place.  My hairdresser's father had a litter of French bulldog puppies about a year and a half ago.  Several female members of my family go to the same hair dresser that I do....why?  Because it's Sonoma County.  If you find a decent hairdresser you hang on for dear life.  

Why does any of this matter? Because my niece got one of my hairdresser's father's French bulldog puppies.  

Are you following the bouncing ball?  I don't blame you if you don't.  It's my in-law's family and I can't even keep track.

Here's where I'm going.  Nobody likes their French bulldog pup.  They are hyper.  They jump and piss all over everything.  They are obnoxious.  

My hairdresser, who loves dogs, told me how sorry she was for taking in a pup from her dad's French bulldog litter.  Same statement from my niece, who also took one of the pups.

Moral of the story:  Don't get sucked into the "breed of the day" fad.  

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