What is with this younger generation? They want INSTANT gratification for EVERYTHING. Yes, their helicopter parents indulged them by showering them with their endless, constant material wants while telling them they are the center of the universe.
Thanks a lot. They are the employment pool we are now dealing with. People wonder why there are constant "help wanted" signs while millennials cry there is not any work. There is work. Millennials just think they should start at the top and not pay their dues.
Millenials are now (....not really) wanting a job and think that money grows on trees. They think the world owes them a living and will quickly label you a BOOMER capitalistic pig if you even mention they pay their own way.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaa?????? Pay my OWN Way??????? (whine the Millennials as the waiter at the boojey, upscale restaurant slips the check to their parents) Of course NOT. Millennials want to suck off their parents and use their Netflix password. Millennials paying their own way is a foreign concept for them. Of course they want everybody else to pay their bills for them.
What kills me is that while the Millennials are bashing the Boomers, the millennials are still sucking on the money tit of the Boomers as Millennials beg their Boomer grandparents for college tuition, paying cell phone bills, wanting a down payment for a house, automobile purchases, etc., etc., etc.. Sorry Millennials, you can't have it both ways. Cut your money demands from the Boomers and STFU. You are not entitled. You don't get to bash Boomers with your hand out. You don't get to condemn Boomers whilst begging for the money and economic system you deem cancerous to society.
Millennials, we know who you are. You hate grandpa and grandma because their beliefs may not necessarily be aligned with yours. However, their beliefs built the monetary nest egg you now want to raid. I can see Millennials now. Millennials are awaiting the reading of the trust documents after Boomer grandparents' funeral wondering how many zeros are after the initial number when your name is read.
Dollars to donuts you did not even visit your Boomer grandparents while they were alive. You hated them. They were BORING and OLD FASHIONED. You could not wait to escape their presence. You did not text them. You did not call them. You did not email them. You did not respond to birthday cards and Christmas presents they sent you. You ignored their generosity. But, there you are at the reading of the trust after the funeral wondering how much $$$$$$$ they left you.
Who are the fake ones? Who are the materialistic ones? I'm not letting Millennials off the hook.
The instant Millennial response is to whine how Boomers had it sooooooo much easier. Bullshit. Every generation has challenges. Nobody has it easy. No generation ever had it easy.
Millennials whine about everything, claim they are a victim, and yet call Door Dash at a monetary premium to deliver their coffee in the morning instead of brewing their own coffee at a fraction of the cost. Don't you dare tell me how broke you are while you are getting coffee and food items delivered to your door that cost 4X as much as making it yourself.
.....and while we are on the subject, don't ask me to pay your student loan debts off for you. When you borrow money, YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO PAY IT BACK. That's the definition of a loan. If you're a college graduate and you don't understand that basic economic principal, your college degree is worthless. It's not the taxpayers fault you chose a useless degree that pays less than a Starbucks barista. Why should we pay it back for you? How is that fair to people who worked three jobs to pay theirs back? It's not.
Sorry Millennials, you can't suck and blow at the same time. You can't condemn capitalism while sucking on its tit. You like your luxury apartments, trips to Europe, boojey restaurants, and all the trappings just as much, if not more, than the Boomers. You won't donate your inheritance to charity. You'll be asking why there was not MORE for YOU.
I know this will anger many Millennials.
Truth hurts.
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