Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mothers' Day

I wish us moms got more than just one day a year.  LOL.  Hey, us mothers will take what we can get.  Being a mother means you put yourself behind your kids.  The kids come first.  Wait.  I should rephrase that.  The family comes first.  Once that first kid is born your life will never be the same.  It's all real at that point.  This little, defenseless creature depends on you for each and everything it needs.  The creature you created will depend on you for many years to come - say decades - say your entire lifetime.  

You never stop being a mother.

One of the biggest gifts I received today was from my son, who told me that as he is nearing age 35 he is realizing that the advice I gave him years ago was legitimate and it's too bad that he did not take heed at a younger age.  He dissed my advice because he thought it was BS because it came from MOM.  Here's a secret to you moms out there.  Get somebody else to tell your kid what you want to say to them because if it comes from MOM it will automatically go in one ear and out the other.  This is what aunts and uncles are for. 

The other big gift was from my daughter.   She considers me her best friend and confidant.  My relationship with my daughter is nothing like the relationship I had with my mother, so I'm still trying to unpack that.  My mother was too busy with all of my siblings to even notice my existence let alone to actually have a relationship with her.  Real truth.  I did now know my real name when I went to kindergarten.  My daughter actually wants to hang out with me?  What?  She tells me everything!  To this day I don't think my mother knows 1/100 of who I am.   Such relationship whiplash from my perspective.  I'm grateful my daughter tells me what she does.  I'm also grateful my mother is still alive.  I will continue to try to build a deeper relationship with her.  The worst thing that can happen is nothing. 


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