Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Business Email

For an industry that tries to pride itself on innovation, mine clings to antiquated technology like insisting fax machines are still relevant.  They are trying to insist that email is still relevant as well.  It's not.

Email is like Forrest Gump's famous movie line with a twist, "Email is like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you're going to get."

My inbox is flooded with cleverly disguised spam, meeting requests, requests for information, lengthy documents I need to read for a myriad of subjects, etc.  There is no rhyme nor reason to any of it.  Any email is a potential career landmine or something to be deleted.  Each email needs to be dealt with and constantly switching mental gears to deal with or delegate to somebody else is exhausting given the myriad of subjects.  

There.  I vented. 


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