Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Austin, Texas

Travel with my work is in full swing again after the COVID hiatus.  Friday we are leaving for Austin, Texas for the national convention.  I've heard that Austin is San Francisco, Jr. and that the rest of Texas considers Austin part of California (which they hate).  Texas has an all out aversion to anybody and anything from California.  How could we blame the Texans? 

I will not advertise where I am from.  I just want to check it out, blend in with the crowd, listen to music, dance, eat, and dance some more.  I'm not out to change anybody's political philosophy. 

Hey, I will probably run into half of my neighborhood that moved to Austin from Sonoma County to escape California.  Little do they know that they brought the CA problems with them when they left.  

Wherever you go, you will always be there....your problems (and the societal problems) you thought you were running from follow you.  You bring it with you. 


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