Sunday, June 19, 2022

Empty Nester

My sister and niece just left and are heading back to Minnesota.  It's the first time in 34+ years my husband and I have not been responsible for kids.  I don't count the time when daughter was away at college as we were fiscally responsible for her, and still responsible upon her return after she graduated until she settled into a job.

Now what?  Whatever shall I do with myself?  Well, for this week I'm going to Walnut Creek with M and S to see a live musical on Wednesday.  The next day I have a spa treatment scheduled with my friend, K.  The coming weekend is full of dipping around the SonoMarin Fair people watching, bringing out my inner low-class-white-trash self, and listening to music.  There are also several graduation parties to attend. 

Me?  Bored?  NEVER!

It's official:  Both kids have graduated from college debt-free, both are married, and both are now OFF the payroll :) 


It's also the first time in decades we are NOT responsible for ANY PETS.  Sure, we have the neighborhood cats that come around looking for better food than they get at home (yes, I spoil them), but we know who their owners are and that they are not homeless or starving.  

Please, allow me to revel in my space of not being responsible for anybody.  I'm sure it will change soon enough as elders need more care and grand kids will be born.  





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