Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Mother of the Bride

 I know my BFF's are also going through this as their daughters are getting married this summer as well.  Like I mentioned earlier, we have LOTS of weddings this summer.  Just about every weekend is booked up until late September.  SSP, I know you feel me. 

I am the mother of the bride.

Let me tell you this.  It was a LOT easier when my son and his husband got married.  One would think a gay wedding would spark controversy and upset more so than a heterosexual wedding.  Perhaps because my son's wedding was hosted at my friend, M's, Victorian home and the whole vibe was that of a casual garden party.  We did everything ourselves as well from the food to the booze.   Nothing was hired out. 

Maybe gay weddings are easier because there are no expectations or traditions.  All I know is that I'm ready to kill some of the people who are invited to my daughter's wedding.  Sadly, I'm related to them.

I can't believe the number of people who want to argue and negotiate the guest list.  The invitations were very clear as to whom was included and that adding a 'plus one' was not an option.  Also, my daughter's wedding is an adult only event.  That was also made very clear on the invitation.  The snide comments we are now getting are unbelievable.  Please, just accept or decline.  I don't want a lecture on how you think your kids should be included.  I also don't want a lecture about not all relatives being invited.  The line had to be drawn.  It was very difficult for the bride and groom as there were limitations and relatives on both sides who did not receive an invitation.

My daughter has been under a lot of stress and bitchy relatives are not helping the situation.  She was the maid of honor for her best friend just this last weekend.  She planned the bachelorette party which was held in San Diego, shower, etc., all at the same time as planning her own wedding.  The bride leaned on my daughter a lot through everything as her dad is dying of cancer and we were all wondering if he would be strong enough to walk his baby girl down the aisle.  

Where I'm going with this is that my daughter's wedding invitations went out in batches because she is pretty much planning two weddings at once.  Not all of the invitations were sent on the same date.  My in-laws were comparing dates as to when they were received and gossiped about how the invitations were different.  The reason they were different was that the older generation received rsvp cards for snail mail, and the younger generation were to rsvp online.  

Holy cow.  I did not expect relatives to be comparing notes as to when they received their invitations and inventing drama about it.  Those who received their invitation on a later date are reading into it that they are on the B list.  There is no B list.  They are also all butt-hurt that their kids are not included.  Again, just accept or decline.  We understand that perhaps finding a babysitter could be an issue.  JUST DECLINE.  Trust me.  We are fine with that.  

The other thing that is frustrating is chasing down people trying to get an answer one way or another if they are attending.  Again, just accept or decline.  We are not looking for lengthy excuses.  A simple yes or no is proficient.  

Putting on a traditional wedding is no small undertaking.  Please be respectful of answering the invitation in a timely manner one way or another.  Do not attempt to argue or negotiate the guest list.  And no, if you decline the invitation a gift is not expected.  Fun fact:  even if you accept the invitation a gift is not expected.  The bride, groom, and their parents truly want you there to experience the happiest day of their lives.   

Elopement is looking better and better. 

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