Sunday, February 6, 2022

Chantel Smith's Barking Dogs


It's posts like these as to why I got kicked off NextDoor.  I can't help but to point out the obvious to the poster and pepper it with sarcasm.  Yes, my husband has an account that I have hacked but I don't dare respond or post as I don't want to get him kicked off as well.  Here's what my snarky response would have been.

Dear Chantel, 

Obviously this is not a new issue as you have received multiple complaints from various sources....yet your dogs continue to bark and annoy your neighbors.  What difference would sending a text make?  You have done nothing to solve the problem except to blame your neighbors.  How DARE they want peace and quiet!  It's not your neighbors' ongoing responsibility to train your dogs not to bark all day long, nor to be constantly alerting you that it is bothering them.  You admitted the dogs are outside during the day.  Where are you?  You know the barking is a problem and have not done anything about it, so no, you're not trying to be a good neighbor. 

I'm sure there is a reason your neighbors don't want to deal with you directly as based on comments from others on this post gently suggesting that perhaps YOU are part of the problem, you go into instant attack mode.  Quite frankly, you are a psycho bitch and there is no wonder why a lawyer is involved.  I think an air horn sounding loudly outside your bedroom window while you're trying to sleep is in order.  That should get your dogs barking as well to disrupt your peace and quiet while you're trying to rest. 

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