[whiny sheltered SF liberal] ....what do we do about the crime spree going on in SF? I'm sooooooo upset! I don't feel safe in my neighborhood any longer. I feel threatened when I go out to buy my organic, wheat grass soy latte and gluten-free breads. Somehow, my 'black lives matter' window signs don't exempt me from getting my catalytic converter stolen from my Honda Prius and all the windows smashed in. HELLLLLLP! I'm going to move to Sonoma County to get away from all of this.
[crusty non-politically correct truther].....well, what did you expect with your "De-fund the Police" campaign? Did you think that coddling crime was going to end well? Did you think that excusing crime on the premises of economic victimization was going to end well? I've got news for you. We are ALL victims of economic victimization. Some are capitalizing on it.
[whiny sheltered SF liberal] It's just so horrible! I don't know what's happened to SF! It used to be a clean, safe city. My professors at Liberal University said that if I just give each and every homeless person, beggar, and drug addict all my money the world would be Utopia.
[crusty non-politically correct truther] YUP. Bingo. Tell me....where does your uber liberal professor live? My money is that he lived in SF or Oakland until he could not take it anymore. Then he decided to move to Sonoma County (a conservative hicksville he bashed as a bastion of white trash) to get away from it all. Now he's here bringing all his liberal political bullshit that trashed SF and Oakland to Sonoma County. Please. If their liberal agenda is so great and loving and perfect and wonderful, why are these liberal rats abandoning the ship and moving here to Sonoma County where the exact opposite political views are prevalent?
[whiney sheltered SF liberal] .....oh..... we only like all this super liberalism until it impacts us directly. The minute we are confronted with crime in our immediate neighborhoods we flee to conservative towns but still don the liberal cloak.
[crusty non-politically correct truther] here's the truth. We don't want you here. You trashed SF and the Bay Area with your over-the-top liberal bs and now you don't like what you have created so you're moving here in droves. FUCK YOU. Go back and fix what you created. Then we'll talk. Yes. We need a border wall between the North Bay Counties and SF to keep you all from moving here....AND we will get SF to pay for it. Hey, something could be constructed on the Golden Gate Bridge to keep all the SF (and other greater Bay Area scum from coming in). If you're coming from SF you will be automatically zapped by a giant laser on the GG bridge.
LOL....sound familiar????
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