Friday, July 9, 2021

The Trip

 As I type this I'm sitting in the Bozeman, Montana airport waiting for our flight to San Francisco.  We have been on the road for over two weeks.  The purpose of the trip was two-pronged:  First, to visit my family in Minnesota, especially my ailing father.  Second, to take a road trip from Minneapolis through South Dakota and Montana.

This was a very emotional trip as my father's health is very fragile.  We did get the entire family together meaning all my siblings and my mother.  I have this sinking feeling it will be the last time we all see my father at the same time.  

To add more emotion on top of emotion, we lost our yellow lab two days into our trip.  She had been ill and we knew we were on borrowed time with her.  I'm so thankful for our daughter and her fiance for being brave and doing what they had to do.   

Crappy things tend to happen in threes:  My cat, my dog, my dad :(

Leaving Minnesota was tough.

The trip through South Dakota was just what my soul needed.  The Black Hills makes my soul sing.  I have not been to the Black Hills in a LONG time, so it was almost brand new.  Same with Montana.  We visited a very well preserved ghost mining town called Bannack.  Visitors can actually walk around and in the buildings.  Many of them are in original shape.  

I need to board my plane now, but there was an "experience" in Bannack and also in the house we stayed that I can't explain.  My husband also witnessed it, and he's not one for ghost stories. 


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