Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Close Everythig Down - No, Open Everything Up

 The information we get regarding COVID is head spinning.  It's contradictory and confusing.  After telling us to hole up in our homes and fear the grocery store, they are now saying that it's safe to open schools.  What makes it even more confusing is that the majority of the population is not immunized (and there's controversy over the effectiveness of the vaccine) but suddenly we can put kids in the human petri dish called a classroom and COVID will not spread. 


I did not realize the COVID virus could discriminate between the classroom and the grocery store, or any other public place for that matter - all of which are legally required to adhere to COVID prevention protocol.  I'm no epidemiologist, but does anybody really know what's going on?  

I think the bigger issue is that human activity is the root cause of global warming and telling us that an awful virus will come and get us is the only way to make everybody stay home and travel less.  It's later than we think we global warming, and if we knew the truth we would all panic.  This is the tip of the iceberg, people, as the tip of the iceberg is all that's left because it's melted.  

That's my conspiracy theory du jour.  Don't read my blog if you don't like it. 

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