Friday, September 11, 2020

No More Spotlights nor Stage

Those who thrive with a need for a live audience and perpetual adoration (politicians, actors, narcissists, etc.), are really bummed out these days.  Their stage and spotlight have been taken away by the virus.  All those business people who think their physical presence at meetings where they are seated at the head of the long conference room table (the phallic symbolism is intentional) is absolutely necessary are now looking for the equivalent of Viagra for their egos; everybody is pretty much equal on Zoom.  

Now that in person meetings have been pretty much eliminated, everybody is scrambling as to how to stay relevant and still retain that spotlight, attention, and sense of importance.  Out of sight out of mind, right?

Hurrying out the door to catch a flight across the country dressed to the 9's with a first class ticket and with laptop in hand is no longer necessary.  The LOOK AT ME AND HOW IMPORTANT I AM no longer fits in today's world.  The captive audience of the conference room or convention or whatever have dissipated.  Everything can be done in your pajamas from your spare bedroom.  

Zoom is the great equalizer. 

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