Monday, December 30, 2019

Moms 4 Housing

Are you kidding me?  A group of breeders in Oakland (I can't call them mothers) decided to break into a house they don't own claiming they have a "right" to housing.

Sorry, nobody owes you nor your kids anything.

To quote one of their own, "If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby, and don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby."

Nobody told them to go out and breed.  If you want to reproduce, fine.  That's your expense and YOU are responsible for it, don't make it mine.  If you're too dumb to figure out where babies come from and whine for everybody else to foot the bill, you don't deserve to pass on your gene pool.  I would buy the "oopsie I'm pregnant" excuse prior to the 1970's.  In this day and age if you're knocked up and decide to birth it you own it.  Not me.

Now crashing down doors of vacant houses thinking the world owes them something??????   Somebody, please throw a smoke bomb.  All infestations flee smoke.
p.s. Unless these "moms" became pregnant via immaculate conception, there's a "dad" who should be supporting them and the children they spawned. 

Oh wait, they are niggers.  Silly me.  NIGGERS.  Hey Niggas...... any answer?  Of course not.  You're too busy playing the victim card, pumping out babies,  and how everybody owes you something because your great grand datty wuz a slave.  Guess what... so waz mine.  Git over it.  Suck it up and take personal responsibility for your choices. 

Nope.  You won't own up to it. 

Not politically correct on this website.  You hate me because I speak the truth and put your bullshit and life choices back on YOU where it belongs. 

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