Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Lung

I had a dream about an ex-boyfriend last night,  Granted, the relationship did not end well.  However, I had always hoped that there would be some sort of closure someday despite the lack of it at the time the break up happened. 

Whatever.  The breakup happened without any proper closure.  I guess it bugs me more than it could ever bug him, otherwise he would have said something to the like of, "Well, sorry, it just didn't work out between us and I wish you the best for what lies ahead."

Nope.  He said nothing.  No good-bye, kiss my *ss, see you later, thanks for the good times, nothing.  NOTHING. 

Now, back to the dream.  In the dream my ex-boyfriend was showing me sections of his chest where his lung was infected.  He was telling me of the discoloration, the rashes, etc., and what his prognosis was.  He is sick.  I don't know what he wants me to do about it.  He has burned all his bridges and everybody who could have possibly cared about him has abandoned him because he's been such an asshole and has only cared about himself.  No, he abandoned everybody else because we all got sick of placating to his narcissistic tenancies and he could not handle any criticism about himself. 

I did not know what he wanted to accomplish by communicating his sickness to me.  He has ignored me for several years.  OK... EX.....  YOU'RE SICK.  I told YOU THAT SEVERAL YEARS AGO.  I COULD SEE IT IN YOUR AURA.....WAY BEFORE YOU WERE DIAGNOSED.  He did not want to listen to anything I said about how to heal, he only wanted to spread his negative energy to get it away from himself. 

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