Saturday, August 24, 2019

Joe Biden = Hillary

I don't know why the Dems are so up in arms about Russia trying to influence our election process.  What is even more insidious are the Dems trying to influence our OWN election process.  The last election cycle saw Hillary trying to squash the popularity of Bernie Sanders, which was against the will of people. 

Bottom Line:  Hillary thought she was owed the presidency.  Nobody likes Hillary, except Hillary. 

Now, we are getting the media trying to push Biden down our throats like they tried with Hillary.  The press is making excuses for Biden's mess ups and trying to convince us to like him.  This will backfire.  Biden is nothing more than a bought and sold, scripted, robotic politician. There is nothing genuine about him except his dumb mouth.   Biden is Hillary 2020. 

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