Monday, February 18, 2019

George Carlin

...I remember George Carlin and all of his bitey monologues.  I remember the ones about abortion... and how the right-wingers were so against it...but in the same breath wanted to slash social programs for children born into less than desirable social circumstances.   I remember a vibrant George Carlin stating......"We only care about you until you're born....after that we don't give a ^5$W. 

So much truth to that.  The pro-lifers are all there for you until that baby pops its head out of a vagina.  Then you're on you're own.

What I find so confusing is that so many kids/family members I went to high schools with are now suddenly pro-life and all conservative.  They were to ultimate pot smokers, beer drinkers, hell raisers, etc....  

I was a pot smoking loser and still remain one to this come i'M NOT ALL ANAL AND CONSERVATIVE.

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