I can hear your collective exhales of relief that Christmas is over for another year. Quiet Rage is giving a large exhale of relief as well.
I finally did it.
I froze off some warts that had been causing discomfort and were quite unsightly. No, I'm not talking about actual warts, I'm referring to people who were an unsightly parasitic viral infection. Oh, I guess that's the definition of a wart.
There are certain individuals in "the family" who like to stir it up and cause drama. The short version of this very long story is that one of them was on the verge of starting something with another family member on Christmas morning. Drama. My house. Christmas morning. Nope. Not gonna happen.
Nobody thought I would have the guts to go straight to the source of the Drama Maker and lay it out there. I did. I made it perfectly clear that I was not going to tolerate any drama in my home on Christmas morning. I had heard that stirring the pot was in the works and wanted to address it to nip it in the bud. If Drama Maker could not guarantee impeccable behavior Christmas morning, stay home.
You would have thought I was asking for something terrible.
Drama Maker responded with something exceedingly uncalled for and vile. I'm glad. She displayed her true colors. Her only intention of coming here Christmas morning (the biggest stage and audience of the year, mind you) to stir the stink pot. Drama Maker could not promise me that she would behave, so sorry, she was not welcome. Period.
The rest of the family is gasping in disbelief because nobody has ever had the guts to stand up to Drama Maker and call her on her crap. Calling people on their crap is my life purpose. I am truth to bullshit.
It was the best Christmas in a long, long time. See, Drama Maker is a member of House Ingrate. The members of House Ingrate show up at my home, ignore me, scoff at me, eat my food, make a mess with their dishes, and leave without saying good bye nor thank you.
I was completely free of anybody from House Ingrate this year. It was great. All of House Ingrate had to fend for themselves for Christmas morning breakfast and then Christmas dinner. I guess I'm still in quasi-shock myself that I refused to host Thanksgiving Dinner (we were just out of state for that) and then literally divorced myself from House Ingrate dodging Christmas.
I think of it as like getting a divorce or freezing a wart off. It's painful and ugly, but needed to be done for long-term health. I froze off a few warts this year. No, I did not make any "friends" in the process, but I don't care. I'm tired of being taken for granted.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Affordable Housing
Yup... the "DoGooders" think they have an answer to affordable housing. I'm sure everybody is wanting to know what the answer is - don't hold your breath because there isn't one.
Homelessness is rampant just about everywhere. We want to blame the lack of "affordable housing" here in California. However, the below picture is of what is known as the homeless encampment of Tent City in Minneapolis. See, they have homelessness, too. Minneapolis is not known for a lack of "affordable housing" so what gives? What are they blaming it on?
I can't help but get a kick out of the teepee on the right. How do they survive in subzero weather? Propane heaters. Yes, they catch fire and they sometimes torch themselves and surrounding tents. Igloos are also surprisingly warm despite being made of ice, and so are ice fishing houses which we would equate with tiny houses.
Go ahead, look up any city online. I don't care where it is - Canada, France, Great Britain, whatever. You will see there's homelessness. There always has been. The poor will always be with us.
Homelessness is rampant just about everywhere. We want to blame the lack of "affordable housing" here in California. However, the below picture is of what is known as the homeless encampment of Tent City in Minneapolis. See, they have homelessness, too. Minneapolis is not known for a lack of "affordable housing" so what gives? What are they blaming it on?
I can't help but get a kick out of the teepee on the right. How do they survive in subzero weather? Propane heaters. Yes, they catch fire and they sometimes torch themselves and surrounding tents. Igloos are also surprisingly warm despite being made of ice, and so are ice fishing houses which we would equate with tiny houses.
Go ahead, look up any city online. I don't care where it is - Canada, France, Great Britain, whatever. You will see there's homelessness. There always has been. The poor will always be with us.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
Bohemian Rhapsody
I hardly ever go to the movies. However, Bohemian Rhapsody caught my attention. It's the story of the rock band Queen and their flamboyant lead singer, Freddy Mercury. I would go see it again in a heart beat.
The critics bashed the song Bohemian Rhapsody when it first came out back in the 70's. Here it is in its glory.
....and...one of my favorites of the Sheer Heart Attack album.
The critics bashed the song Bohemian Rhapsody when it first came out back in the 70's. Here it is in its glory.
....and...one of my favorites of the Sheer Heart Attack album.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Frosty the Snowman
I'm about to get all deep on you with Frosty the Snowman. This seemingly simple children's tale about a snowman that comes to life has some very spiritual stuff going on. I remember watching the show as a kid back in a time when shows were not on demand and seasonal Christmas shows like Rudolph the Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman only came on once a year. Yes, I'm dating myself.
The story is about Frosty the Snowman coming to life when a magic hat was placed on his head. When the hat is placed on his head, Frosty says, "Happy Birthday."
Let's dig deep with that.......and I mean DEEP.
Everything is energy. Even seemingly solid objects are not solid. Think atoms. Let's think the life force. Chakras are energy centers located in the human body. There are many chakras, major and minor. For simplicity sake, lets focus on the seven main chakras of the human body:
Base or Root Chakra: Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
Heart Chakra: Our ability to love.

What has this got to do with Frosty the Snowman you ask? I'm getting to that. If you study the function and purpose of the crown chakra, this is the connection to the spirit world. Have you ever wondered why in some cultures it's so taboo to touch somebody on top of the head? You're interfering with their connection to the spirit world with your energy which may be polluted. It's sacred space, so to say. The top of the head is where the soul enters and exits the body (birth, death). The soul never dies, it just changes its manifestations.
Now, getting to Frosty the Snowman. Frosty comes to life when the "magic" hat is placed upon his HEAD and the first thing he says is, "Happy Birthday." (birth). The soul has entered Frosty's body via the "magic" hat.
Just like humans, we all live for a while and death is inevitable. Frosty knows this, too. The temperature rises and frosty begins to melt, which can be compared to the process of death where the chakras begin to break away from the body. Santa (God) comes to take Frosty away (back to the spirit world, heaven, or whatever you want to call it) and they take off in the sleigh with the reindeer (the team of spirit guardians we are all assigned when we are born).
Frosty tells the children not to cry, as he will be back again someday (reincarnation). Or, one could say that Frosty is the Christ Child as he says he will be back again on Christmas Day.
So, there you have it. Some deep stuff in what people write off as a silly children's cartoon. And no, I was not drunk, high, nor under the influence of any drugs when I thought of this. It came to me in a semi-sleep state.
Next blog: HR Puffin' Stuff and Jimmy with his magic flute. LOL. Come on, you all remember the theme song if you grew up in the 70's. "HR Puffin' Stuff - who's your friend when things get rough."
I'll leave you all with a little youtube video of Frosty coming to life with the magic hat and saying Happy Birthday.
The story is about Frosty the Snowman coming to life when a magic hat was placed on his head. When the hat is placed on his head, Frosty says, "Happy Birthday."
Let's dig deep with that.......and I mean DEEP.
Everything is energy. Even seemingly solid objects are not solid. Think atoms. Let's think the life force. Chakras are energy centers located in the human body. There are many chakras, major and minor. For simplicity sake, lets focus on the seven main chakras of the human body:
Base or Root Chakra: Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
- Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
- Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money and food.
- Location: Lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel and two inches in.
- Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure and sexuality.
- Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
- Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem.
Heart Chakra: Our ability to love.
- Location: Center of chest just above the heart.
- Emotional issues: Love, joy and inner peace.
- Location: Throat.
- Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings and the truth.
- Location: Forehead between the eyes (also called the Brow Chakra).
- Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom and the ability to think and make decisions.
- Location: The very top of the head.
- Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality and pure bliss.

What has this got to do with Frosty the Snowman you ask? I'm getting to that. If you study the function and purpose of the crown chakra, this is the connection to the spirit world. Have you ever wondered why in some cultures it's so taboo to touch somebody on top of the head? You're interfering with their connection to the spirit world with your energy which may be polluted. It's sacred space, so to say. The top of the head is where the soul enters and exits the body (birth, death). The soul never dies, it just changes its manifestations.
Now, getting to Frosty the Snowman. Frosty comes to life when the "magic" hat is placed upon his HEAD and the first thing he says is, "Happy Birthday." (birth). The soul has entered Frosty's body via the "magic" hat.
Just like humans, we all live for a while and death is inevitable. Frosty knows this, too. The temperature rises and frosty begins to melt, which can be compared to the process of death where the chakras begin to break away from the body. Santa (God) comes to take Frosty away (back to the spirit world, heaven, or whatever you want to call it) and they take off in the sleigh with the reindeer (the team of spirit guardians we are all assigned when we are born).
Frosty tells the children not to cry, as he will be back again someday (reincarnation). Or, one could say that Frosty is the Christ Child as he says he will be back again on Christmas Day.
So, there you have it. Some deep stuff in what people write off as a silly children's cartoon. And no, I was not drunk, high, nor under the influence of any drugs when I thought of this. It came to me in a semi-sleep state.
Next blog: HR Puffin' Stuff and Jimmy with his magic flute. LOL. Come on, you all remember the theme song if you grew up in the 70's. "HR Puffin' Stuff - who's your friend when things get rough."
I'll leave you all with a little youtube video of Frosty coming to life with the magic hat and saying Happy Birthday.
Frosty the Snowman,
Friday, December 14, 2018
The Wall
The Wall. You know, the infamous promise made by the Reigning Orange Cheeto to secure our southern border with Mexico.
News Flash: Many of the agents at the border are corrupt. No wall can keep that out. It would cost a lot less to weed out the corruption than to build some stupid wall. Good luck with that. Drain the swamp? Drain the dessert? We see how that has all worked out thus far.
Now......all of you grunting and groaning about securing our borders and keeping them out. Yes, every nation needs to have control over who is coming in. However, be careful what you wish for. You will actually have to pay a proper wage to a legal citizen to mow your lawn and cook your meals.
I get tired of hypocrites. Liberals are liberals UNTIL they are asked to pay their fair share and reach into their own pocketbooks. I can't think of a bigger bunch of hypocrites than Marinites. Despite their over-the-top-in-your-face liberalism, they are the stingiest (insert profanity) on earth. They are also the biggest tax cheats. I find it ironic that the most liberal county (and wealthiest) doen't want to pay the necessary taxes to fund the programs they demand.
News Flash: Many of the agents at the border are corrupt. No wall can keep that out. It would cost a lot less to weed out the corruption than to build some stupid wall. Good luck with that. Drain the swamp? Drain the dessert? We see how that has all worked out thus far.
Now......all of you grunting and groaning about securing our borders and keeping them out. Yes, every nation needs to have control over who is coming in. However, be careful what you wish for. You will actually have to pay a proper wage to a legal citizen to mow your lawn and cook your meals.
I get tired of hypocrites. Liberals are liberals UNTIL they are asked to pay their fair share and reach into their own pocketbooks. I can't think of a bigger bunch of hypocrites than Marinites. Despite their over-the-top-in-your-face liberalism, they are the stingiest (insert profanity) on earth. They are also the biggest tax cheats. I find it ironic that the most liberal county (and wealthiest) doen't want to pay the necessary taxes to fund the programs they demand.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Vow of Poverty
On this journey toward spiritual wholeness, one of the requirements to ascend to the next level is to take a vow of poverty.
What? A vow of poverty?
Yup. We are beginning to figure that out. Business is bad for the environment. All of our modern conveniences are poisoning us. There's no getting around that.
Our only way out is to live off the land sans anything that is not natural to the environment. That's tough to do in this day and age. I like my modern conveniences, too.
The main driver of diminishing resources and pollution in all of this is overpopulation. I can hear the cries now, "Who do you think you are, God? God has decided that life continues so I'm going to pump out 5 more kids. It's God's plan."
If we were really concerned with God's plan, we would not interfere with any kind of medical assistance whatsoever. Back 200 years ago so many babies died before age 2 due to diseases that are now abolished by - human intervention. Nature expected 1/2 your offspring to die.
I'm not trying to be cruel. I'm trying to point out that it's PEOPLE who are the problem. Stop creating more and more. Whenever I see some cow with tons of kids in tow I want to slap the selfish bitch. Most of them are Mexican or south of the border. They fucked themselves (literally) into a shit hole existence and now want to invade.
What? A vow of poverty?
Yup. We are beginning to figure that out. Business is bad for the environment. All of our modern conveniences are poisoning us. There's no getting around that.
Our only way out is to live off the land sans anything that is not natural to the environment. That's tough to do in this day and age. I like my modern conveniences, too.
The main driver of diminishing resources and pollution in all of this is overpopulation. I can hear the cries now, "Who do you think you are, God? God has decided that life continues so I'm going to pump out 5 more kids. It's God's plan."
If we were really concerned with God's plan, we would not interfere with any kind of medical assistance whatsoever. Back 200 years ago so many babies died before age 2 due to diseases that are now abolished by - human intervention. Nature expected 1/2 your offspring to die.
I'm not trying to be cruel. I'm trying to point out that it's PEOPLE who are the problem. Stop creating more and more. Whenever I see some cow with tons of kids in tow I want to slap the selfish bitch. Most of them are Mexican or south of the border. They fucked themselves (literally) into a shit hole existence and now want to invade.
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