Monday, January 29, 2018

Fake News, Fake Politics, Fake LIFE

Gee... I think we are finally getting it.  Everything in this world is fake.  Nobody can really prove anything and it's all noise of somebody else's opinion.  I throw in the towel:  Everybody's opinions are RIGHT.  So there.  Everybody is right.  Now what?

This entire existence on this plane is FAKE.  We really are living in Strawberry Fields.  Nothing is real.  Nothing to get hung about.  Strawberry Fields Forever.

Living is easy with eyes closed....misunderstand is all you see....

John Lennon had it right 50 years ago.  Jesus had it right a couple thousand years ago.

The old adage, "Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear" has never held more meaning.

Sorry if we are so cynical and don't buy any of your bullshit.  That's what happens when we are constantly lied to.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

CI = Constantly Interuppted

All of these gadgets and technowonders that are supposed to help us save time and organize our lives are turning out to be the opposite.  We can't have a moment of silence and contemplation anymore without something beeping, pinging, or generally nagging us about something that usually turns out to be unimportant 99% of the time.

Just for a moment ponder the following.

How much time do you spend each day just deleting emails?  Yes, I hear you that you have your spam settings set to Fort Knox security, but still, there's always that *one* email that you are looking for that got caught in your spam filter and you end up going through all those other junk messages just to be sure you didn't miss another one that may have actual value to you.

How much time do you spend organizing your emails?  I don't care if you mark them, organize them, and put them neatly into a prioritized "to do" list.  We don't ever really get to it unless it's on fire with dire consequences.  Why?  Because we are constantly bombarded with even more emails to deal with and act upon.

While this is happening, you're trying to deal with technology upgrades and educate yourself on how to work that new phone, new computer, new software, television remote, etc.  You look down and see that you have 11 missed calls and 17 unread text messages.

Oh SNAP.  You realize you're late for an appointment and jump in your car.  There's no peace in the car, either.  Your phone has Bluetooth pairing and your phone continues to ring and ding.  Even the car has computerized gadgets that are demanding your attention and the two are talking over each other.

Just where can we find PEACE and a place for quiet concentration to really absorb a situation or a task where we are not constantly interrupted?

What was the question again?  I was just checking my smartphone.  Sorry.

Oh yeah, a place of techno-free peace.  Just let me reply to this text and we will continue the conversation.

Ok...  I'm here and present now.  Yes.  A place of peaceful retreat.  I have an idea!!!  Let's go to yoga class.  We can center ourselves and ground.  Sounds good - let's GO.

Even yoga has gone to an annoying style.  The current trend is to play hip-hop music and have the instructor in your ear like an overzealous football coach.

So.... I found a place where yoga has a more spiritual, calm and contemplative approach.  Ahhhhhhhhh silent serenity.  Finally.  ....then somebody's damn phone goes off....

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Life Changing

Ever have one of those events in life that completely altered the way you view the world?  Well, it's happened.  The events of the last two weeks have been life changing - not only for me, but for my family as well.  I won't go into detail as it's extremely personal and scarring.  Life will never be the same.

What do I do when I get into a funk?  I dance.  My favorite genre to dance to is 70's funk.  Bust out the afros, platform shoes, bell bottoms, and big collars.  ....and yes, I still move pretty good....for a white girl.  Oh YES!!!  Another episode of Soul Train (there's a pattern here).

Saturday, January 13, 2018

San Francisco Federal Building

It was a busy day for Quiet Rage.  I had to be at the Federal Court Building in San Francisco at 9:00 am this morning.  Why?  Well, because it was a mandatory mediation hearing for something to do with my job.  It's been a while since I've been to federal court.  For those of you not familiar with San Francisco, city hall, the federal court building, and pretty much all government entities, etc., are all in the same geographical area coined the Civic Center.

The last time I was near the Civic Center in SF I could not walk five feet without some homeless meth head badgering me for money.  Today there were none.  WTF?????  Where did they all go?  I know there has not been any more affordable housing made available (a.k.a. slave quarters).

In talking to employees I asked where all the homeless people went.  The area used to be littered with them.  They all replied that the City of San Francisco has spent a tremendous effort in cleaning the area up and ridding it of all the homeless people.

Really????  And this is supposed to be a "sanctuary city" for all?  I find it ironic that the San Francisco City Hall, where all these "sanctuary city" laws are born do not want the homeless anywhere near them.  NIMBY's.  They don't want to be tripping on homeless people coming and going from work, either.

I think the city council of SF et al should be made personally accountable for all the "sanctuary city" statues they issue.  They would be the first ones to bitch having a homeless encampment on their front lawn.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  No excuses.  Like "sanctuary city" status????  How about YOU put the homeless up and pay for it....out of YOUR pocket.  Silence and excuses, I thought so.  Your liberal bullshit is just that...bullshit.  Liberals suddenly turn conservative when they're asked to fund and actually co-exist with the "social justice" they demand.  It ain't free.  Don't expect me to pay for it.  You don't want to pay for it, either.  

No, I don't have the answers.  Nobody does.  I just don't grandstand media attention to mandate diversity and "acceptance of all" if I'm not willing to do it and pay for it myself.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Almond Roca and Cats

Allow me to digress.  I'm in a punchy mood today and not in the mood to be politically correct.  Have any of you ever had a cat?  Oh, yes, I see your hands up.  Have any of you ever had to clean that cat litter box?  Oh yes, I see some of you shaking your head because it's not a fun task but it's absolutely necessary.  How many of you eat Almond Roca's?  I see everybody EXCEPT cat owners raising their hands.  Here's why:

And NOOOO that is NOT my cat box.  I would never allow mine to get that disgusting.  I bet you never eat another Almond Roca ever again.  

I've Been Soooooo Busy

Imagine this scenario as I'm sure it's happened.  You bump into an old friend or whatever.  You have not communicated in a while.  Both of you try to one-up each other on just how BUSY you are and that's the reason you lost touch.

Nobody is charmed by comparing stress stories as if they are something to be proud of and worn on the sleeve like war badges.  Nobody is charmed to hear how much more stressful and busy your life is than anybody else's.

Here's the truth:  We give attention to what we deem is important.  That changes throughout life.  That's why you lost touch with So and So.  One of you at some point decided, whether consciously or subconsciously, that continued interaction was not important enough to warrant energy.

People come into your life and people go.  Yes, there may be extended periods of non-communication for friendships that are deep and meaningful enough to withstand prolonged periods of silence, but for the most part when communication ceases it's because you are no longer of value to the other person -- or vice versa.

Sounds harsh, but don't take it personally, we all have people come and go in our lives.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Trump Tweets and Stupid Coments

Ok...  I'm not a fan of the current piece of ass that presently sits in the Oval Office.  I bet nobody ever told Trump to his face that he has an old woman's ass and the circular, pursed lips of a something that likes to suck.  Wow.  There's a lot to digest...and then to throw up.

Well, we are full of Trump Tweets.  Quite frankly, I'm sick of it.  I'm bored of the press reporting about how Trump tweeted this and Trump said that.  Grow the f*** cup, press.  The press, at this point, sounds like nothing but a tattle-tale-tale-five-year-old sibling tattling on everything imaginable just trying to get him in trouble.  I'M GOING TO TELL ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!  We already know how immature BOTH of you are.  Now, get a drink of water and brush your teeth before you go to bed, you hear me????  Momma said so.

No, PLEASE do not take this as an endorsement for our current dumb-ass keeping AirForceOne constantly in flight.

I just want more than kindergarten playground-type news reporting.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Welcome Home Chucky

OK... I've had the hots for Jon Gruden ever since he coached the Oakland Raiders back in the late 1990's.  Everybody knew this.  One of my colleagues used to give us sideline passes just so I could get closer to him  LOL.  Then....he moved away :(    I always jokingly said to everybody that I was his only true love and someday he would return to me.  I never even met him in person...wait...only once and I did not even really meet him.

It was either 1999 or 2000 when he was signing autographs at some shopping mall near Stanford University.  My husband, being a good sport, played along as he is a TOTAL Raiders fan - season tickets and all.  At the time our daughter was quite young (maybe 4 or 5 years old) and we brought her along.  We get there.  We stand in line.  It's our turn to get his autograph.  We were briefed by his entourage that Jon Gruden does not want to shake any hands nor touch anybody.  Ok.  Fine.  He's a germophobe.  I get it and I respect it.  Whatever.

We approach the table where he was sitting and signing autographs.  I'm standing back careful not to get too close afraid of offending his germ protective shield.  My daughter blurts out, "My birthday is August 17 - same as yours."

Well, he just about jumped out of his seat to high-five my daughter and he was thrilled to talk to her.  I guess being a cute kindergartner with the same birthday gives a pass to the NO TOUCHING OF ANY KIND.  I never did get a high-five nor a handshake.  I do have an autograph.  LOL

It's been close to 20 years since the autograph incident.  I can't believe time goes that quickly.  Anyway, welcome home Chucky.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Moon Dog

We have been told this is a SuperMoon or whatever.  All I know is that a SuperMoon tends to happen at super vulnerable times for us.  For myself, what I noticed was the Moon Dog.  What is a Moon Dog you ask?  It's the ring around a full moon like the photo portrays.  What does it mean?  Well, I'm no meteorologist, but a ring around the moon means there is moisture in the upper atmosphere and that a change in weather is forthcoming -- usually in the form of a rain pattern.  Where did I learn this?  The Old Farmers' Almanac.  Scoff if you will.  The old farmers knew a thing or two.  

The super full moon makes it all the more bright an beautiful.  Imagine this full moon over the landscape of snow and the reflection  would be like daylight.  It's captivating.  I stared at it for quite a while tonight.  No, I did not bark at it if that's what you're wondering.  

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!  By the time it gets to us out here in California it's already old news and everybody east of us is passed out or waking up with an extreme hangover.  I think the only ones that lag behind California by two hours is Hawaii.  We may be last, but not least.  We are just revving up while the rest of you are zonked out.

New Year and Thanksgiving are my favorite holidays.  I love the clean slate the new year allows and the deep breath that it's officially the close of the holidays which can leave us exhausted and depleted. Nobody is expecting much of anything on New Year's except a party and a good time.  I can handle that. 

However, I've noticed a new trend emerging with New Year's.  A lot of people have turned New Year's into introvert time spending a very quiet and contemplative evening at home.  And no, it's just not that I'm turning into an old fart and past my prime party days, it's with the younger people, too.  A bunch of the younger crowd are sick of the commercialism of Christmas and are just happy to hang at home with a couple of friends.  They don't like the crowds and overstimulation of New Year bashes.  They refer to it as "amateur night."  Young female adults can hit the club scene whenever they want to.  New Year is nothing particularly special.  They find that New Year bashes are full of older drunk guys who can't handle their booze hitting on all the twenty-somethings.  Pathetic.  Everything is crowded, full of sloppy drunks, and over-priced.  The young ladies choose not to participate.  They have a code name for the older drunk guy hitting on them:  COD (creepy older dude).

Anyway, got off on a tangent.  What will 2018 bring us?