Thursday, April 20, 2017

Melting Snow Woman - GRANDMA?????

I've witnessed this tragedy full circle.  Unbelievable.  What tragedy am I referring to?  Why some people should NOT be allowed to reproduce.  I'll spare you my anti-population growth tirade for another time.  There are already too many people vying for earth's precious resources.  Quality of life deteriorates as more and more people compete for limited resources, food, and jobs.  I'll shut up on that...for now.

Allow me to backtrack 23 years.  Melting Snow Woman (who was fat at that time -- and looked a hell of a lot better)  had a young daughter she did not take care of.   Melting Snow Woman should have NEVER been a mother to begin with.  She is mean, evil, and neglectful/abusive to everybody -- even to her own kid.  Everybody in the family felt sorry for this young daughter of Melting Snow Woman. We all took turns with child care and what not.  At that time I was a young mother myself and thought that the kids would benefit from growing up with a cousin as my own memories of my cousins are gold.  My time was not my own, so what's one more kid?  The home life for Melting Snow Woman's young daughter was horrendous.  I thought I was doing something good taking care of her young daughter (for free - but that is not the point).  Now on with the story.

Twenty-three years ago I was sitting on the couch in my sister-in-law's TV room.  The phone rings. All I could hear was my sister-in-law's moans of, "Oh No.... OH NO..... OH NOOOOOOOOO... You don't even take care of the one you have NOW!"

Melting Snow Woman had just announced she was pregnant.  Again.  She did not care for the young daughter she already had that the family was taking turns raising.  And to think that what I overheard on the phone was talk about getting another puppy.  Nope.

The baby was born to Melting Snow Woman.  She had another daughter.  This poor kid had it even worse than her older sister.  I won't go into details, but yes, child protective services were involved.  At one point we even offered to adopt the baby girl.  That did not go over well with Melting Snow Woman as she took it as an insult to her parenting skills.  Well, it was an insult.  I'll own that.

The adoption did not happen and Daughter II of Melting Snow Woman lived a horrifying childhood.  Daughter II grows up.  She gets a Mexican boyfriend.  Good.  At least she has found somebody she loves.  She moves in with the boyfriend and his family.  They plan on getting married at the tender age of 22.  The problem?  The boyfriend's mother, who is here illegally, keeps harping on her son in Spanish as to when he is going to get his girlfriend pregnant.

Really?  Neither one has a job to support themselves.  Daughter II is still on her step-father's insurance plan.  Guess what.  The SAME phone call happened today as it did 23 years ago with the, "Oh No....OH NO.....OH NOOOOOOOO!"  It's come full circle for another generation.  Daughter II is pregnant.

I can make this stuff up, people.  My donations to Planned Parenthood are all in vain.

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