Friday, January 6, 2017

Meaning of Life and Airport Delays

I'm going on a bipolar rant today.  First, I'm going to rant about airport delays.  Here's what irritates the living (blank) out of me.   As we all know, traveling is stressful.  Add to the mix the joke of security that TSA provides, terrorists blowing things up and shooting people, crowds, people taking obscene amounts of luggage and trying to cram it in overhead compartments....yup it's a real JOY.

Whew.  You finally make it to your gate.  You've checked in for your flight and kept abreast of any possible changes through your mobile app (or whatever).  Good.  No changes or delays.  People on the other end of your flight have made arrangements to meet you, give you a ride, or whatever.  Everything is going according to plan.........


About 20 minutes before boarding when it's announced your flight is delayed an hour.  You contact the people who have graciously offered to pick you up at the airport.  OK.  The hour passes.  Another announcement comes saying that the flight is delayed an additional 30 minutes.  Now you're getting peeved.  Repeat cycle. are boarded on pull away from the gate.  You sit on the tarmac for 1.75 hours.  Trapped.

 I'm living this scenario right now.  The reason for the delay is because of another delay of an inbound flight to SFO.  Really?  They just NOW decided to tell us this?  Thanks a (insert profanity) lot.  Why do airlines even bother with flight status apps when all they say is that everything is on time and honkey-dorey UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT ANYWAY?????

Oh, I know... they are in cahoots with the airport bars and restaurants that do nothing but profit from irritated travelers stuck there.  Now I know why I see people drinking at airport bars at 7:00 in the morning.

Now, switching gears altogether which puts my complaining about everything in total perspective.  

OK.  Here's a crush I have on a guy who nobody would think movie star sexy.  I LOVE Eric Idle.  He's funny, sweet and smart.  Of course, I have never met him in person and all of my perfect illusions of him could be shattered in an instant.  I'll be realistic in saying that I love the Eric Idle I see in the Monty Python movies.  Who really knows what he's like in real life.  Speaking of life, I LOVE the Monty Python movie "The Meaning of Life"  and Eric singing The Galaxy Song.

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