Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sanders vs Trump

Jeb Bush finally threw in the towel for the presidential bid.  There is a god.  Now we need a goddess to shut up the megalomaniac Trump. 

Trump is doing nothing more than making a mockery of our country.  Granted, it's easy to do, but his blow-hard campaign of do things my-way-or-the-highway attitude will certainly backfire.   He is a shallow bigot and misogynist.  I'm surprised he has not been sued for sexual harassment and discrimination from one of his employees.  Running the country takes tact, diplomacy, and skill along with a good business sense.  One out of four will not cut it.  Besides, his empire was not self-made.  He's just another spoiled trust fund brat who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth; therefore, having a financial advantage right out of the gate.  Daddy "only" gave him a measly $1,000,000 to get started.  Maybe I'm just jealous that I'm not a member of the LSC (lucky sperm club). 

Trump resonates with the lower chakras and basic survival needs.  He feeds our basic primal needs that 1,000 of years of evolution have not eliminated just quite yet.  It's difficult to overcome his primal scream that our bodies are magnetically drawn to. 

On the other end we have Sanders who resonates with social ideals the masses have not evolved to yet.  He resonates with the higher chakras of connecting our selves to the greater good of each other and the universe.  My criticism of him is that everybody wants peace, love, and prosperity for all but obtaining it has been elusive since the dawn of civilization.  Sure sounds good, though.  Who can argue his message? 

We, the deciding voters, are stuck in the middle of *all* these energies that reside within us.  Thankfully, being stuck in the middle, that middle is our HEART chakra.  Search your heart, people.  There is a reason that is a known saying.

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