Monday, January 18, 2016

Buy Me a Gun?...and give me a job?

What?  Yes, the request was, "Will you buy me a gun?"

aaaaahhhhhh  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could not believe me ears. I need to explain the context of the request.  The request came from a colleague's ex-office manager.  She has been in and out of rehab for drinking and in and out of the psych ward.  She is a cutter and very unstable.  All the men in her life seem to die.  The emergency crews have been called to the office on more than one occasion because she literally almost killed herself at work drinking and was passed out on her desk.

Can you see now why she is my colleague's EX office manager?  She happens to now live in the same town I do and I'm not hard to track down.  Oh, she also wants me to giver her a job.

Let's see.....  like I'm going to purchase fire arms for a totally unstable person and then give them a job?  If that's not a recipe for somebody going postal with my name all over it I don't know what is.

I dodged it by stating that I have something on my record that precludes me purchasing fire arms (I don't - quite the opposite) and that my office will be merging with San Mateo in the not-too-distant future (true).

Whew.  Crisis averted.  I was nice and sold it as being concerned but not in a place where I could be of any help.  Change the locks.  Quickly.

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