Sunday, October 25, 2015

Golf and Archery

Way back in the stone age, when I was still in high school, I took golf and archery to fulfill my PE requirement.  Why did I choose golf and archery?  Let us try to remember that far back.

For starters, swimming would just mess up my make-up and hair that had I spent all morning doing.  All the swimmers had that 'brittle, green hair, chlorine' look.  Ewwwww.  Running made me sweat which refers to the reasons as to why I did not choose swimming.  Besides, I'm a ssssssslllllllooooowwwwww runner.  Hockey was a sanctioned sport in my high school, but figure skating was not.  Go figure.  Basketball broke my nails as did volleyball.  I did do gymnastics and I was ok at the balance beam.  I did not have the 4'8" 82 pound pure muscle frame like Mari Lou Retton.  There were NO dance classes to choose from.

Sigh.  Golf and archery was it.

I don't really remember much of the class other than holding our arms up over our heads so the swarms of gnats would be (temporarily) out of our faces to aim the bow and arrow or drive the golf ball.  I also vaguely remember the teacher.  I can't recall his name, but I remember him saying, "Golf is a sport for life.  There is opportunity in golf that has nothing to do with golf."

Really?  I only took the class because I would not sweat, mess up my hair, or brake a nail.

It only took 30 years, but I get now what my teacher was trying to say.  This last month I have been on tour golfing in all the industry tournaments that for years I passed on.  It's amazing what people say on the golf course.  It's amazing what they say at dinner after being outside all day and have a couple cocktails in them.  It's amazing how many people cheat when nobody thinks they are looking.  It's amazing how WHITE and MALE the sport is.  It's like a Republican rally for Jeb Bush. 

I have not quite found my life purpose for archery, but I was pretty good at it.  I suppose growing up in a hunting family I became proficient in handling all types of weapons.   Wait.  Playing darts.  Purpose found for archery.  I wonder if my old high school still offers golf and archery.  I wonder if the Bored Moms on Prozac have banned it because the bow and arrow is a DANGEROUS KILLING WEAPON.   A golf club is also a dangerous, killing weapon -- just ask Tiger Woods.

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