Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Birthday Parties

I enjoy a good party.  There's not much to NOT like about food, drink, conversation, and dancing.  However, I'm sooooooooooo SICK of everybody recording everything with their iPhones.  The following is a true story:

I attended a birthday party here in Sonoma County for a friend this past weekend.  Yes, she has the large, lovely house on the hill with a view and all the trappings.  Yes, she likes to throw parties in her own honor.  Yes, she is a Facebook/social media whore.  No, she can't pass up a microphone.  No, she can't pass up the spotlight.

Regardless, this friend and I go back a long way and I have my own quirks that she finds equally annoying.  Fair enough.  We call each other on our own issues that the other one finds annoying.  That's why we've been long-time friends.  We take the good with the bad.  That's the definition of a good friend. 

Anyway, despite my repeated requests to NEVER tag me in any Facebook posts she went and did it anyway.  I removed the tag immediately and changed my settings (yet again) as Facebook has a way of undoing your privacy choices every few months.  

What was even more annoying was that her guests were walking around the party the entire time taking iPhone videos.  Really?  Grow up. 

The creep factor set in for me when the dance music started.  This is what did it for me.  The hired DJ played a song that most women can't help but get up to dance to.  Sure enough, the women all did.  I looked over my shoulder as I was dancing and saw a guy sitting there all by himself with his iPhone carefully capturing our dance moves as he was unnaturally engrossed.   CREEP!  In the old days I would have said, "Take a picture, it lasts longer."

Well, nowadays they take videos....and go home and beat off to them later. 

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