Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day from Hell

I can't make this stuff up. 

Today I received a phone call stating that I needed to come back for more testing as my mammogram showed something.  Of course the mind wanders. 

In the fog of "what if I have cancer" played with my head and trying to decipher doctor reports and the next course of action, I received a phone call from my older brother. 

I was actually on the phone with my doctor when my brother beeped in.  My brother did not leave a message.  Weird.  When I finished speaking with my doctor I called my brother back.  I was teetering on whether or not to tell him about my lab results.  I'm glad I didn't.

My brother said that he had news.  He then went on to tell me that our brother-in-law (my sister's husband) died in a car accident on Highway 8.  WTF?????????????????????

I immediately called my sister and could tell that she was in shock.  Incoherent jibberish is basically all that she could mutter.  Who could blame her?  I got spotted details from my sister about their morning out together having breakfast and how they gone off in a separate cars as he had to go to work.  He never made it.  My sister had got word of a fatal accident on Highway 8 and texted her husband to ask if he was OK.  No response.

My sister is now instantly a widow and she has a heavy load.  I won't go into details about her two daughters and her granddaughter who is 5 months old.  

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