Tuesday, September 9, 2014

24 Hour Pharmacy

There are 24 hour fast food establishments, gyms, and grocery stores.  There are even pharmacies within the 24 hour grocery stores.  WHY IS IT THAT YOU CAN PURCHASE LIQUOR 24 HOURS A DAY -- BUT NOT GET A PRESCRIPTION FILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry, but that means you must staff the pharmacy.  I know pharmacists are way more expensive than your self-checkout stations in regards to overhead, but Safeway would have a gold mine.  I discovered that the only two pharmacies open 24 hours were located in Santa Rosa and San Francisco.  The place had a line a mile deep on a Saturday night with desperate people in need of whatever it was they needed. 

Sorry, but not all ailments can be self-medicated with a bottle of vodka.  Why is it that vodka is available, but antibiotics and other things that actually start the healing process are not? Medical situations don't neatly fall into 9-9 during the week and 10-6 on the weekends. 

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