Friday, August 29, 2014

You love brother/sister MORE

After giving birth twice in my lifetime, each time I was handed this completely dependent infant to guide its life for the next two decades -- without instructions or guarantees of parenting skills.

Many, many times I second guess myself when I'm handling a situation with one of my kids.  Each of them has their own temperament and personality.  What works with one kid does NOT work with the other one.  This is not a one-size-fits-all deal.  Each kid watches the parental repercussions of the other sibling and just waits for the right moment to throw out the infamous, "But you let my brother/sister do X so WHY CAN'T I?  You love brother/sister MORE THAN ME."

Kids LOVE playing siblings against each other with the parents.  They love playing parents against each other with the kids.  It's their own chess game using family members.  They are natural geniuses at it.

I only had two kids for a multitude of reasons -- one of them because I did not want to have a middle child as they can't help but get lost in the family dynamic shuffle.  It's just the way it is.  However, having two kids creates an automatic polarity.


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