Monday, March 10, 2014

Theft Aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard

My son is deployed overseas on the USS Bonhomme Richard.  Life aboard the ship is monotonous, crowded, and grueling.  Time spent in the miniscule sleeping bunk is about as much privacy as one could expect under such conditions.  My son, prior to being deployed, went to Copperfield's here in Sonoma County and purchased himself a used copy of Dante's Inferno to pass the time.  He wanted to catch up on his reading.

I received an email today from him stating that somebody stole his copy of Inferno that he paid a whopping $2.50 for.

OMG!  I never thought I'd be pleased about theft -- especially from a shipmate, but that gives me hope for the revival of classic literature!  Somebody actually thought it WORTHY of stealing!  Now, pray God, let us hope it is being read.  

I'll go to Copperfield's and clean out their entire section of used classics.  I'll send the books with my son and tell him to strategically place them for purpose of being stolen;)

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