Tuesday, June 11, 2013

MTV: Really had Music Videos

Once upon a time, back in the early 1980's, cable television was in its infancy.  One of the wonders of this new technology was the debut of Music Television. 

I was immediately hooked.  So were my friends.  There was nothing like smoking a bowl and watching MTV.  Ahhhhhhhh, memories.....

Music videos became a quasi-art form not unlike album covers.  Bands had trademark videos that launched their popularity.  I think everybody remembers Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love" and Michael Jackson's "Thriller."  Classics.  Then there was the Madonna "Like a Virgin" video that sent the censorship nazi's wild. 

Instead of showing terrible shows like Jersey Shore featuring four foot tall whores, why don't they bring back the classics during a designated time slot?  Why not get the original v-jays out and dust off the classics that made MTV great?  It would be like Old Home Week.  The younger generation would LOVE old Devo videos and Talking Heads. 

We'd still be glued to the set...  Perhaps we have ditched the weed smoking at this point in our lives....  maybe not. 

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