Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Email Bitch

Why is it that just because some people post a group message into cyberspace they assume that it is received, read, and a reply is instantly necessary.  This is a true story about a school "fundraiser." 
I wish I could make this stuff up, but I don't have that great of an imagination. 

Word to Bored Moms on Prozac:  Don't issue cold, scathing commands aimed at the masses from your keyboard.  First of all, are you sure you have the correct email address?  Are you certain the intended recipient actually read the message?  What makes you Queen of everybody's calendar?  Don't insult and shame the masses via email touting your own hard work (and the presumed laziness of others) and then wonder why nobody is responding.  You really don't have any clue what is really going on in our private lives.  Issuing an order via email to 'bring hot dog buns to Saturday's game' may not be on the priority list when trying to arrange chemo treatments for an ailing relative. 

If you really want to communicate with me, call me.  You have my phone number.  What?  Calling everybody individually and making personal contact to mandate the donation of  my money and time is too much trouble?  I guess your cause really isn't that important now, is it? 


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