Stockton, California has to be one of the scariest places on earth -- even in the daylight. The city is full of depressed, meth addicts who are down and out from the lousy economy. Businesses that were obviously once thriving are now boarded up. Graffitti proliferates walls, and you can't even go and get a sandwich without somebody following you inside begging for money or trying to sell their 'chit' to you. This place reeks of desperation. Too bad, as there are some really beautiful old buildings with graceful architecture obviously from an era long, LONG gone by. Chain link fences with blown trash up along the sides encompassing empty buildings sit side-by-side to potential historical magnifigance. During my stay in Stockton, I have never been approached by so many beggars in my life (including San Francisco). Every street corner was a freak show. One corner featured a black s/he wearing a turban with a stuffed animial attached donning a black dress. Say WHAT????
Which leads me to jumping Jesus. It was Saturday evening and we had a Taco Bell munchie attack. We get in the car and drive a little ways down the road. We sight our Taco Bell and drive in to place our order. When pulling up to the drive-thru menu a Jesus-looking homeless guy JUMPS at us from behind the drive thru menu begging, "Hey man, can you score me a burrito? I have money."
Ambushed by Jesus at the Taco Bell drive through....
Roll up your windows QUICKLY and get the hell out of here (sorry Jesus).
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