Yes.... QUIET RAGE is not just me. I feel I speak the collective voice for all who are just sick and tired of BULLSHIT. We are all asked by our employers to fill a five pound bucket with 10 pounds of shit and to HURRY UP.
It *really* chaps our behinds when we are good sports about understanding the current economy, layoffs, and have picked up the slack going above and beyond for the sake of the "team"; however, when we suck it up for our employer and the wife/husband/whatever shows up dripping in jewels in his/her new, black Mercedes whining about not being able to go to Bora Bora and will have to settle for (yawn) Hawaii, we are all on the verge of going postal.
That's only half the problem, folks....
The other half is dealing with the ever increasing numbers of the whiny, selfish, demanding public. They always want something for nothing, and rules don't apply to them. When reminded of such, they fly into a tantrum blaming EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING but themselves. They think they are the only people on earth and everything exists solely for them without any regard to anybody else.
I say YOU GO, STEVEN SLATER!!!!! This is an instance where I believe flight attendants should be allowed to carry firearms and use them on obnoxious passengers at their discretion.
The person in seat 18-B thanks you profusely for shutting that cow up.
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