What do Chef Anne, Guy Fieri, and Mr. Heatmiser all have in common??? They all go to the same hairdresser. It's a hip look, and I like the way all three of them can pull off this style.
Back before he went "big time", Guy used to deliver garlic fries to Russ & they'd sit and talk about their Chevelles when Regional was across from Johnny Garlic's in Petaluma ... his hair didn't look like that, although the ego and personality that got him where he is now was certainly shining :-)
nice :)
I tagged you for a blog post!
Back before he went "big time", Guy used to deliver garlic fries to Russ & they'd sit and talk about their Chevelles when Regional was across from Johnny Garlic's in Petaluma ... his hair didn't look like that, although the ego and personality that got him where he is now was certainly shining :-)
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