Tuesday, November 10, 2009

San Francisco Hotel Strike: Palace Hotel

I was watching the news this morning and hotel workers were outside the Palace Hotel in San Francisco picketing about their benefits. Take just *one* wild guess what their bitch was. Yup, that's right.... HEALTH CARE BENEFITS.


The picketers' intentions are misguided. They should be griping to the government and their insurance lobby butt buddies and NOT their employer about dwindling health care benefits. Granted, the bastard hotel manager at the top should suck up some of the financial pain along with the rank-and-file hotel employees. I don't know if that has happened in this particular instance. Regardless, nobody wants to take anything away from employees unless s/he is a complete asshole. Sadly, they do exist in the employment world....

Do you know how much your health care benefits cost your employer each month? No... I'm not talking about how much YOU pay out of YOUR pocket, I'm talking about how much it costs your employer to offer the benefit. Depending on your plan, your employer will average spending about $1000 per month to provide you and your family health care. You don't see that on your pay check stub.... it's an invisible benefit that has been taken for granted until fairly recently. That's part of the problem.

Be grateful, Picketing Hotel Employees, that you have any fucking health insurance at all and direct your gripe to the greedy bastards holding your health hostage over their vacation McMansions on Maui (accessible only by private helicopter, I might add).

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