My brother-in-law called this type of pageant "Prosti-TOTS." I laughed my ass off, but then became sad for the little girls who don't know any better and don't have anybody sticking up for them. They are being exploited by the very people who claim to "love" them. Poor little girls...
What kind of sick parent sells out their daughter for this shit???? ....and mentally justify it? There is something twisted about dressing up a 5 year old child to take on the mature atributes of a grown woman, and then parade her in front of a bunch of strangers to be "judged" like she is nothing more than a piece of meat. Let's not even talk about the guy in the back row beating off to this legalized child porn show.
1 comment:
You wanna get my undies in a bundle?? Have me watch this kind of SICK Whoring out of your five your old. These parents should be prosecuted for child prostitution. Funny I read this blog tonight. Saw an advertisement for some reality show about these poor children being mentally and physically abused. I turned to my husband and said "I feel like I am watching an episode on Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. These children in sexy outfits and provacative outfits. I had to turn the channel because I felt like a pervert even watching the commercial. These parents are SICK FUCKS trying to live their lives through their children. Most of them are FAT FUCKS and are making their poor kids suffer for it. It is offensive, vulgar and despicable and just confirms in my mind that people should have to pass a test before having the honor of becoming a parent.
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