Hey!!!! Have you heard that Michael Jackson died?
Seriously, I think we've reached the saturation point with our obsession with this celebrity death. Every paper and magazine in print has his picture plastered on the cover along with every detail of his life from birth until death. Why are we so wrapped up in this and have constant news coverage of Sheniqua hysterically bawling into the camera, who trekked all the way from Tennessee and set up a make-shift memorial with balloons and candles on Hollywood's walk of fame?
Here's a news flash for Sheniqua from Tennessee: Your 15 minutes of fame are up.
Was Michael Jackson talented? Absolutely. Was he a nut case? Absolutely. Does his death deserve constant news coverage 24/7? Absolutely not.
Never mind the North Koreans with their nukes pointed and ready to go. Never mind China and the riots. Never mind the mess in Africa. Never mind the war in the middle east. Never mind the fragile state of our own economy, ecosystem, and politics.
If we could only rally such emotion and participation displayed for Michael Jackson's death and channel it for the political process.....Wow... think of what we could get accomplished. Not to steal Michael's lyrics, but "the would would be a better place for you and me."
Well said!
Laughing my ass off. Couldn't have said it better myself. LaFonda and LaTonia and Teniquia move on with life. HE WAS NOT GHANDI FOR GODS SAKE!!!!!
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