There.... now you've seen them. You have seen corn stalks and pumpkins. Need I point out which is which? Now drive the fucking speed limit coming southbound on Hwy 101 through Petaluma this time of year. Quick rubbernecking, gawking, and tying up traffic like the moron you are. I'm sorry your life has been so fucking sheltered you have not seen these two items before in your life and feel the need to stop suddenly on the freeway causing an 18 car pile up behind you to stop and stare.
There is a corn maze. There is a pumpkin patch. People are out getting their pumpkins and visiting the corn maze. Get over it and DRIVE. This happens EVERY year, dumbshit.
I originally posted this a year ago, and apparently there has been ZERO progress made in human evolution so I am posting again.
Spewed the coffee on the keyboard over this one. That was going on when we lived there; been up here almost 6 years now!
I know that's not going to make you feel any better and doesn't bode well for people knocking it off. Nor will saying I feel your pain; but I'll say it anyway :-)
So when will you be talking over as head of the Chamber of Commerce?
Isn't there spots for them to pull over. Oh wait! That would mean standing and walking. Silly me.
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