Yes, it really is all about you. Whatever frustrations you are experiencing, injustices you're experiencing be it: hapless romances that leave you at a dead end, financial woes, failed business ventures, messed up family dynamics, divorce, whatever. It really IS all about you.
See, you are here to learn. On some level your soul signed up for all of this. You have made agreements with other souls to attempt to foster each other to a higher vibration. You had a pre-birth plan with everybody who is now a part of this lifetime. It's up to you to figure out the lesson, learn from it, and how to progress from the experience.
What you refuse to see is that you are not the victim your ego portrays you to be. It's easy for the ego to hide behind the shield of victimization as it alleviates you from facing your own sh** and doing the deeper dive. That's hard work.
None of us are victims. We are only playing out what the universe wants us to learn on the soul level. Chances are YOU were the a**h*** in another life and have something to learn or seek redemption for. You have a direct hand in all of this - the problem is that in human form you have forgotten what the soul is trying to teach you. Don't worry, it's all part of the lesson. This won't be easy.
Class dismissed.
p.s. There are no cheat sheets, Cliff's notes, Chat AI, nor fill-in-the-blank shortcuts for this lesson that is a soul experiencing human life on earth. Creating short cuts would be cheating and denying your soul's progress. The universe cannot be fooled.
You think I'm full of it. Just wait. I will meet you in the planning room when you are charting your next life while you are in light form between existences.
See you then ;)