Sunday, July 29, 2018

Fire Follows Me

I think there was a movie back in the 80's called Fire Starter or something.  I believed it starred Drew Barrymore when she was still a little girl shortly after her acting debut in E.T.  I never saw the film as at that point in my life I was too busy with parties and boyfriends and danceline.  Only boring, lame people with no social life went to the movies.

Ahhhh....ignorant youth.  Yeah, I'll own it.  

As of late I do have these uncanny instances where fires seem to follow me.  The other possible explanation is that fires are happening with more and more intensity and frequency and I have absolutely nothing to do with it.  

Last year's blaze in Sonoma County hit home.  Since then, traveling to Reno has been met with a blazing mountain fire I watched from the hotel window as it crept down wondering if it was going to get extinguished in time.

Go to Colorado.  Same thing.  I open the hotel French doors to be met with smoke and a blazing mountain side.

I come home.  Same thing.  More fires in Northern California. I forgot to add erupting volcanoes in Hawaii.

I'm starting to get a complex, people. 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Broadmoor Resort - Colorado Springs, Colorado

Quiet Rage has been at a snooty resort lately -- the Broadmoor to be exact.  This place has a history of hosting European royalty, presidents, celebrities, sports stars, dignitaries, etc. 

Believe me.  They want you to know it. 

There is a hallway that is plastered with portraits of famous guests that spans the 100 year history of the property located smack dab in what was once the Old American West.  Of course, my portrait was up there as a framed question mark LOL.  

I could not help but notice looking at the portrait wall the placement of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.  They are not next together.  They have two men in between them.  It reminds me of the old joke that states why should we want Hillary as president if Bill did not even want her.  

On another note, this is the exact type of place where the movie Caddy Shack could have taken place.  It's an obnoxious snobitorium where a dose of low-class humor would do them all good removing stick from certain orifices. 

I behaved myself and went along with all the pretentiousness and did not make a scene. 

The other art around the property was celebrating the Native Americans and all their artifacts that are in the general area displayed in glass cases.  One that captivated me was a painting of Native Americans ambushing a wagon train in the 1860's of white settlers.  The natives were getting shot up and killed.  This painting disturbed me.  The resounding message I kept receiving was that of how the whites killed the natives and stole their land.  Now, 100+ years later, their art and way of living is being touted and celebrated as "all natural" and "organic"  and "in tune with the earth."

What a bunch of white people crap.  We come in, kill, steal the natives' land, enslave them, and now want to celebrate them in some swanky resort like we so appreciate them by plastering their artifacts all over the place like they were so honored and respected?

I have this sinking feeling in a past life I was a Native American brave who was killed when I figured out that the white people were all fake and wanted to steal the land.  The universe (as always) gets even with us and reincarnated me as a white woman who has access to the luxury I despised in that lifetime. 

Switching gears's the Caddy Shack moment at the golf course, and also the pictures of both Bill and Hillary Clinton - husband and wife - until other politicians divide them.  Cough Cough.  I'm certain that is not all dividing Bill and Hillary. 

Sorry, Hillary, you'll lose next time as well if you decide to run again.  You f***** over Bernie and we will NEVER forget that.  You are NOT about the people.  You are about yourself.  Who is the egomaniac, self-entitled, obnoxious, narcissist?  Look in the mirror. 
....there's a brown Audi parked in my reserved parking space.  I want it towed...immediately. 

Friday, July 20, 2018

Russian Influence in Politics

What, prey tell, did the Russians disclose that was not the truth?  The Democratic party is corrupt and they got caught.  Sorry about the timing.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if we have to depend on Rusky intel for the truth on our government, we have bigger problems than one election result. 

I personally want THANK the Russians for exposing our government for what it really is.  BTW, it isn't just democrats who are corrupt.  They all are. 

Be clear that this is no endorsement for He Who Shall Not Be Named.  

Again, WHERE'S SNOWDEN???????  Exiled in RUSSIA!!!  Coincidence?  I think not.  That's what we really need to know.  He was being hailed by liberals as a hero for exposing our government, now that the liberals are under the belief Russia influenced the election for a result they don't like, he is now the traitor.  Vice versa on the conservative points of view.  Snowden was a traitor but now he's a hero as He Who Shall Not Be Named is POTUS. 

Make up your mind, people.  You can't suck and blow at the same time. 

Monday, July 16, 2018

Scarlett Beaver

My deepest sympathy for this poor child.  This came straight out of Sunday's Press Democrat.  The only name that would have been worse would have been Sandy.
I can't make this stuff up, people. 

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Trade War With China

Foreign affairs are a delicate thing.  We all know that the current administration in the White House (I hate to call him by name) is about as graceful as a bull in a china cabinet.  The state of the world is in a very fragile balance.

As much as I want to give the human race more credit than it deserves for being peaceful and loving, there are countries and along with their policies that are inherently cruel and murderous.  They will gladly slit our throats in our sleep.  We are naive if we think otherwise.  Sorry to tell you that the world can't be saved donning t-shirts and marches down Main Street. 

It's human nature to want to protect our own.  We are territorial animals with a survival instinct.  In moments like now with the trade issues with China, we need to really take a step backwards and detach ourselves from our animal-instinct selves and inject some logic. 

Pay attention people.  All of your electronic gadgets are made in CHINA.  They are supplying all of our computers, cell phones, etc.  If we upset them too much, they will purposely plant destructive computer viruses, worms, and trojan horses into our stuff - along with tracking capabilities.  

My sources state that they have probably done that already.

Pay attention even more closely, people.  How did China become such a manufacturing mecca?  Because American companies saw cheap labor and lax environmental rules, and moved in like flies on feces.

We are our own worst enemy.  We are reaping what we sowed. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Car Shows and Peacocks

Take a good look at the above two pictures.  Do you get it?  Each species is fanning feathers trying to attract admiration and accolades. 

Humans are no different than other animals on this planet.  We have instincts whether we love them or loathe them.

The above picture was taken today at a car show in Petaluma, California.  Yes, it was directly across the street from the now world famous Lagunitas Brewery.  Believe it or not, there are other breweries that are just as worthy of attention like the 101 North Brewery, who actually hosted the car show today.  I also have to point out the dilapidated windmill sign for the Green Mill Inn which has been closed down for about 15 years now.  I have many memories with the Green Mill (aka Mean Swill) including business meetings and wedding receptions.  The place was old school.  If both owners would still be alive and able to manage the place, I'm sure they would now be targeted by Hipsters and other Yuppies coming up from Marin, SF, and other South Bay Scum driving BMW's wanting that Green Mill experience complete with Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and cheese curds.

I'm off on a tangent.  Sorry.  I'll reel it back.  This is about a car show and Petaluma. 

I have to give the Petaluma beer industry one thing no matter which brewery is your favorite.  They all support the community.  Cheers.