Monday, October 31, 2011

Just One Cool Republican

...that's all I ask for.... just republican.  I can't say that I'm a democrat, but I'm definitely not a republican, either.  I'm political party agnostic.  The republicans tried to appeal to the soccer mom masses by propping up psycho bitches like Palin and Bachmann.  Did not work.  Even the most sheltered, prozac popping, subservient housewives figured out the mental illnesses they both harbored and abandoned ship. 

Yawn..... now who are they going to prop up other than some privileged, old, stuffy white dude?  Herman Cain?  I guess if democrats can put a black dude in the White House, the republicans can, too (think of the irony here).  Democrats should feel flattered that their candidates are being copied.  Can't say the reversal is true. 

I can't entirely dismiss the republican party.  Some of what they have to say is worthy.  However, I don't like banks and corporations running over and taking advantage of rules that they can make and change (or not change) at any time.  Banks and corporations are the ones fueling their campaign funds, so of course, their party politicians are nothing more than paid mouth-pieces. 

Personally, I think that both republicans and democrats are nothing more than system scammers.  The central government has become what our forefathers fought against.  Our tax dollars have become nothing but a giant cookie jar, and it's a free-for-all in Washington as to who gets a fist full of dollars and getting on the front page of the Wall Street Journal for paying $35,000 for a plane ticket.  In the meantime our roads crumble, bridges fall into rivers, sewer systems deteriorate, etc.  Shame on all of you. 

The non-responsiveness of our central government to do what is inherently right rings of Marie Antionette, "Let them eat cake."

Watch out for the guillotine. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Meaningless Facebook Posts

My finger is getting ever closer to hitting the "delete" button on my Facebook account.  I think I'll use my middle finger while I'm at it.  I just can't stomach it anymore.  I'm not making this stuff up.  I actually pulled this off of my account.  If you stay on Facebook please, PLEASE do us all a favor and NEVER post crap like:
Cheers to you Sunshine. Hope your having a great week!!~ 
♥ In my eyes, and many others... YOU are one of the Loveliest women on Facebook. Select 15 of the most Beautiful Ladies in your contact list: If you're awarded this distinction more than once, then you will know that you are Exceptionally beautiful!~ Copy and Paste this on the wall of 15 of the most beautiful Ladies you know. ♥ 
Give your stress wings and let it fly away.
All of you Obamatons who think Bush created the financial mess we are in, need to watch this. 
Seriously!  Facebook has become so trite.  The only purpose it now serves is that it is a data mine for corporations to exploit and sell all your personal information that you gladly and freely post to brag to the world.  Your ego is selling you out!  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Daddy and Mommy's Little Princess

Here's a true story.  Once upon a time in Sonoma County a couple had a little girl.  The couple thought that their little girl was God's gift to athletics.  They were certain that if they pushed her academically and coached her throughout her youth sporting career that Division I schools would be pounding down their doors to offer Princess a scholarship.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  If you want your kid to get a sports scholarship, here are some tips:

1.  Do NOT coach your own kid beyond the age of 12-13.  Subconscious favoritism always surfaces and creates resentment from the team.  Chances are your kid is not "all that" and the resentment is justified;

2.  Do NOT allow your kid to be coached by dads or moms beyond age 12-13.  Your kid will then be the brunt of subconscious favoritism from dad's kid.  Re-read post #1;

3.  Dirty little secret:  GPA's are really not that important.  All colleges want to see is that you're not a complete moron and that you're trying.  Don't stress about your kid being placed in AP classes.  It's all unneeded stress.  You are freaking about nothing.

4.  Is your kid a team player?  This is a biggie.

5.  Never, and I repeat NEVER play 'hard-to-get' with a school representative who shows interest.  They all talk.  You and your kid will be blacklisted immediately for playing Prima Donna.

Occupy Wall Street: No More Smelly Bums

Wow..... Sorry, main stream corporate media if you have to put down the movement because a bunch of drug addict derelicts decided to crash it.  Damn hoodlums.  Is that the best you can do?  We will direct said homeless to your house to piss and bathe in your pool.  You ARE compassionate CHRISTIANS, aren't you?????  You're not going to turn them away, are you??????  Now THAT would be hypocrisy.  You have sooooooooo much abundance, right?  You're willing to share, right????  You don't fall into the "I have mine (at your expense) so go fuck yourself" mold you're blasting, right?  You are so much better and more generous than the lousy OWS losers, right?  GO AHEAD AND SHOW THE WORLD HOW MUCH BETTER YOU ARE!  .....tick, tock.... tick, tock......tick, tock.... tick, tock.... we are waiting.....  nothing.  I thought so. 

I challenge the Republican party to show the homeless  participating in the Occupy Wall Street Movement RIGHT NOW how they have their backs from the nasty, selfish, hypocrite OWS protesters.  Open your home, repubicans (misspelling intentional).  Share your bed.  If you wanted to sway public opinion to your favor from being the uptight, selfish, bastards you are that fueled the movement to begin with, you're totally blowing your opportunity.  I have yet to see one republican charitable gesture outreach or acknowledgment for this movement -- regardless of whether or not they agree with it.    I have yet to see one bank donate a port-a-potty for the cause (the irony of this thought is not lost on me).  Attention Republicans, Wall Street, and Politicians:  Please, PLEASE prove the movement wrong by showing spontaneous generosity and/or compassion with no strings attached. 

It's getting violent and messy.  Good.  This is the biggest fear Wall Street and their puppet politicians fear.  The continuation of this movement will mean the government will be forced to react.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hit the Wall

I have had some good friends of mine just 'hit the wall' lately.  They have busted their asses off all of their lives.  The current economy is eating them alive.  They once held jobs of decent pay and dignity.  Now they have all been "downsized" or "outsourced" and they are now forced to take jobs at minimum wage to try to make ends meet.  Throw onto the mix the stress of a health scare and it's no wonder people are feeling so desperate.   The American middle class is losing hope.  Once we lose that I fear we are done as a country.   We can't let that happen.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Exactly What's Wrong: Profiting off Cervical Cancer

As I type this I am in a city in southern California.  I am overhearing a conversation between business men in the hotel lobby.  They are figuring out ways to market and profit off of cervical cancer in China.  One of them just said that it's an untapped market.  I can't hear the exact details of their conversation, but I've heard enough.  I'm so glad that some poor Chinese woman's diagnosis with cervical cancer can be a source of profit for these pigs.  Disgusting. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wall Street Journal: Get a CLUE

...and then they wonder why the general masses are pissed.  Today on the front page of the Wall Street Journal at the very top we have "trophy home buyers" bragging about their 30,000 square foot homes complete with an indoor movie theatre, an elevator, six pools, and five tennis courts.  Also on the front page we have those who have $35,000 to purchase an airline ticket for a newly crafted jet just for the thrill of 'being one of the first to be a passengers on it'.  DON'T YOU ALL SEE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE????????????????????????? DO WE NEED TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU??????????????? IF YOU HAVE $35,000 TO WASTE ON A STUPID PLANE TICKET -- YOU HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY.  PERIOD.  ..............and then to brag about it as well...............  Why did you all squeal and whine when we tried to close the obnoxious loopholes that you were benefiting from based off our sweat?  Why did you need us to bail you out if you're "all that" and soooooooo for capitalism and anti-government intervention?  You sure had your hand out in a hurry when things started to crumble -- and then tried to dismiss yourselves from any type of reform. . Like I've said before.  Wall Street and their likes depend on government handouts more than a welfare mom with 12 kids.  Welfare moms are cheaper. 

Sorry, Wall Street Execs, but nobody has sympathy for you asswipes if you can't afford your kids' $30,000 per year private school tuition and you have to settle for last year's Porche model.  whaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......I know what I would do.....  bomb that virgin flight plane full of people who can flippantly afford $35,000 for a ticket to Tokoyo.  They deserve to die.  Just where are the mid-east terrorists when we need them?  I see an alliance forming.  Hey, maybe the mid-east terrorists who bombed the World Trade Center are onto something..... ya think?????  Is Wall Street next?  Maybe.......  can't wait to see which Wall Street Exec raking in obnoxious bonuses at our expense hits the "up" button on the elevator to his corner office with a view......KA-BLOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Who is occupying Wall Street?  What is their message?  Why is not an ordained leader coming to the forefront with a solid message?  I'll tell you why.....  BECAUSE THE MOVEMENT IS YOUR CONSCIENCE!!!!  Some how, remember when you were a little kid and you beat up another little kid and stole his lunch money?  Somewhere, deep down in your GUT, you knew it was wrong and you felt GUILTY. Remember when you had the ice cream cone and waved it in front of the face of the kid who did not have any?   You knew on some level it wasn't right, but nobody was there to beat you over the head and tell you otherwise.  Nobody knew but YOU that what you did was wrong.  That's who we are.  We are that sneaky little feeling that can't be surpressed any longer..... Now skeptics are demanding an individual human form to the movement (politician form, mind you) to materialize out of nowhere and validate what you already know?  It's like demanding God to appear in human form and run for office.  It ain't gonna happen......

Of course nobody for the Occupy Wall Street Movement wants to come to the forefront and claim the spotlight.  That would dilute the message of the masses.  The movement is not about crowning an individual king.  The movement is not about being an individual 'attention whore' to use it for political gain (cough, cough, democrats -- fuck you).   It's about the politicians already in place DOING THE RIGHT THING.  The movement is not about any individual or any particular agenda or party line.  It's about the politicians KNOWING they did NOT represent the common good as they PROMISED and selling us all out to their greedy masters for their own gain.  Get a fucking grip, media, would you?  Can't anybody in this day and age grasp the concept of a movement wanting to do something for the common good without grandstanding and giving accolades to specific individuals?  No donations needed.  No PAC has been formed.  Imagine that....fuckers.....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Unions in America

I'm a little pissed off about the negative spin unions are getting.  Somehow, I don't think that people earning a decent wage, having health insurance, and a decent pension upon retirement are evil.  I also don't think that treating employees with fair, consistent, humane standards are inherently evil, either.  Why is their outrage against THAT?

Yes, union officials shot themselves in the foot years back when they became the greedy, power hungry, dick-heads they rallied against.  Union employees shot themselves in the foot when they became a lot of spoiled, complacent whiners. They are partly to blame for their own demise. 

At the local government level, the greediest players securing obnoxious pensions for themselves were NOT part of the union or part of a union contract, but the back lash is dressed up in that.  The ones with the highest pensions helped themselves.  The Press Democrat just can't come out and make that distinction.  Rod Dole et al are laughing all the way to the bank.

On the private employer side, I have seen employers file bankruptcy leaving behind unpaid wages and such.  The employers CRIED and swore under oath they had no money anywhere to pay their debts.  I find out later that as they stiffed their employees, they were taking a cruise around the world.  Fuckers.

Get Pissed, America: Occupy Wall Street

Yes.... finally.... Americans are finally starting to participate in their government.  It may be too little too late, but we'll see.  Showing anger at Wall Street greed is a good start by recent demonstrations.  Show anger at your politicians, too.  Show them when they come to your door glowing with their "I'm such a great person" routine.  Really?  Ask local politicians the following questions:
1.  Why do you want to hold public office (don't buy the canned, pre-scripted Miss America answers put together by their political consultants);
2.   What is your business and/or occupation (there is usually some invisible push from an industry/group to put a crony in office so they can get a project/development/issues approved or some other future political payback);

This is the big one, folks.  This is where our government has run amok.  The politicians have been trying to hide and cover for themselves.  They have been helping themselves to the cookie jar when they think we are not paying attention, or not having enough tenacity to figure out their games.  Remember, it's what the politicians do when they think we are not looking (or not get caught) is what truly defines them. 

UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE HAVE LOTS OF TIME TO DIG, DIG, DIG AND UNCOVER BULLSHIT.  Make use of that time.  I've said it before.  An educated, involved public is the government's worst fear.  Keep it up, America.  Let Wall Street and Capitol Hill know we are onto them.  Let city hall know we are onto them.  Let Sonoma County know we are onto them.  Let California know we are onto them.  We have lots of work ahead of us.  I don't give a shit what your political beliefs are, just be an ethical participant in the process.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Worrisome for the Middle Class

Attention Middle Class America:  They are out to eliminate you.  I'm not sure what your options are, but be sure that that the politicians are out to royally fuck you over.  You are too wealthy to qualify for government aid, but too poor to make ends meet.  Oh, and you're a legal citizen -- another strike against you. 

Why are we working so hard?  We have some equity in our home.  We are trying to save for retirement and our kids future.  We are paying through the nose for health insurance AND car insurance (in which the illegals do not -- and they get pardoned for it).  When the game is over we middle class people don't have anything to give to our kids and we die penniless despite trying to be law abiding, conscientious citizens all of our lives. 



We are fucked, middle America......  my advice is to not give a crap about anything and let the banks forclose on all of us.  They want to elimiate us, anyway.  It does not pay to go to work and try.  Lose your job, lose your savings, lose your house.  Go on government handouts.  Everybody else is. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Even MORE Facebook Annoyances that Piss Me Off

My finger is hovering over the "delete my account" option as I type this.  Yes, my finger is hovering and shaking.  Should I do it?  Should I delete my facebook account?  The mixed emotions swirl around in my head.  I have to admit, I have had damn good laughs in reading some posts.  Most of the time I need a barf bowl handy as the sap is just too thick to choke down.  More shit that pisses me off about Facebook:
1.  Dump your bumper sticker, feel-good philosphical posts like "On This Day God wants You to Know" God will most certainly not proliferate His word via a crappy, cheesy medium like Facebook --and who crowned YOU as the wise, ordained messenger, anyway?  I'd rather tune into 'Deep Thoughts - by Jack Handy;

2.  Don't tell me how darling, special and how much I am loved -- everybody says that to each other on Facebook.  Means nothing;

3.  If I wanted to read the comics, I would have read the comics.  Don't repost cute-sy comics (unless they are your original).  Constant, unsolicited jokes were the death of email.  The same fate awaits Facebook;

4.  Get off your political soap box.  Everybody posts a political jab now and then, but the hard core political fanatics give me a head ache.  It's like being harassed 24/7 by Jehovah Witnesses. 

5.  I don't give a fuck what you had for dinner.  No need to post pics of your culinary creations. 

6.  Stop that annoying "I'm cleaning up my Facebook friends.  Click 'yes' or 'no' if you want to remain my friend.  So, now you have to send a mass, unpersonalized message asking if I want to remain your friend or not.  Wow... makes people feel like they are nothing more than memory dust balls that have collected under the bed and we need to be 'cleaned up'.  We've been there for a while and not causing disruption, but now we need to be eliminated.  Go ahead FUCK YOU and DELETE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Paul McCareney Wedding

Yea!!!!!!!  Paul FINALLY got over his mistake of marrying that money-hungry-psycho-bitch Heather Mills.  I blogged over three years ago that he could do better.  Of course, Sir Paul read my blog and immediately heeded my advice;) 

I truly, truly hope and wish the best for Paul and his new bride.  She does not appear on the surface to be a tacky attention whore like Heather.

Paul does not typically date/marry brunettes.  If you look at photos of Paul's mom, Nancy resembles her.  Coincidence?  It's OK, Paul, to want to marry somebody like mom.  There usually is nobody better.  WISHING YOU HAPPINESS!!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Yeah, they are the true terrorists.  Wall Street and greedy bankers have done more collective damage than 1,000 attacks on the World Trade Center.  I'm not trying to dismiss the unfortunates who lost their lives by any means... the point is that America has been hurt by the cold, corporate souls calling the shots in our materialistic society and our whore politicians pandering to them.  The enemy is us.  As long as we ass-kiss for money we are all doomed to being nothing but slaves. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Food Network is a Health Hazard: Where are the Bored Moms on Prozac?

Just where are the 'bored moms on prozac' when you really need them?  They have already blasted Sponge Bob and accused the cartoon of brain death of 12 year olds.  They have organized a total political movement against video games suggesting they cause violence.  They are also scruitinizing every bit of educational curriculum for fear they may learn that homosexuality and biracial relationships exist despite their own fear (or fantasy) of them.  They also make time to protest against kids learning proper handling of guns.

Truth is, none of the above will effect their dear little Lily or Chase like diabetes, obesity, and other nutrition related health problems that the Food Network glorifies.  Where is the outrage against THAT?  Just because some food has a fancy European ingredient and is doused in an oil we can't pronounce by no means makes it any healthier for us.   

The other thing that the Food Network gets away with is hair in food preparation areas.  It's gross to see food being prepared by people with their hair dangling everywhere.  I suppose their "sexy" food stars just would not look the same sporting a hair net and an apron. 

If ever there was room for real criticism, this is it.  Let's see if the Food Network gets away with it because it's all dressed up.  Hey, I see through all the bullshit..... does anybody else?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reach Out and Touch Someone

Remember the old days when telephones had cords and there was excitement when it rang at home as it was a friend or relative you actually WANTED to speak with?  There were certain phone ettiqette rules everybody obeyed like never calling during dinner hour, or after 8:00 PM.  Do you also remember when businesses had telephone receptionists who wrote down messages and hand delivered to recipients?  Voicemail was unheard of. 

Fast forward 30-40 years.  Home phone numbers have all but vanished as everybody has their own personal cell phone.  The only people who call the house phone are solicitors, pollsters, robocallers and other assorted annoying people from school, church, or whatever you really don't want to speak with -- always during dinner hour, I might add -- wanting you to volunteer or donate money for something. 
Do Not Call needs some enforcement.

I'm not sure I like this age of people expecting others to always and instantly be available 24/7.  We have email, texting, Facebook, cell phones, etc., that I don't really believe are connecting humanity.  Being always available is exhausting.  In the long run all this hyper, superficial communication detracts from meaningful, reflective interaction, like actually going outside and talking with your neighbor instead of constantly blasting meaningless Facebook status updates to the entire free world.   Nothing is separated anymore.  Sometimes it's good to disconnect and recharge the batteries or allow time for uninteruppted vacations / family time.

Don't take it personally if I don't return your call or email instantly.  Heaven forbid if I have a heart-to-heart talk with one of my kids and don't want to lose the momentum of getting out of them their issues and problems.  Heaven forbid if I actually go on vacation for work and can't deal with your issue because you needed something yesterday.  Your lack of planning does not create my emergency.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Petaluma Corn Maze AND 101 Construction! plus... rain

Oh yes, fellow commuters, it's THAT wonderful time of year again.  In addition to the retarded drivers who have never seen a corn stalk nor a pumpkin patch before stopping in the middle of the freeway to stare causing a 17 car pile-up behind them, we have two additional challenges.  Construction on 101 already causes mass confusion as large, brightly colored neon orange signs with LARGE BLACK PRINT USING SMALL WORDS warning of changed conditions that go completely unnoticed by oblivious drivers.  This year we have the additional challenge of early rain, which is like ingesting a pill that induces instant moron-type driving behavior .  Can Sonoma County handle this?   I doubt it.