Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Yet Even More Facebook Annoyances that Piss me Off

Just *why* have I not deleted my facebook account yet? I guess it's a morbid facination with knowing that somebody I went to high school with many moons ago blasts a status update that s/he is getting gas at Costo. Woo-Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Facebook has now taken over the roll of the 'Home Party Sales Lady.' You all remember the uber annoying member of the PTA who hosted Tupperware parties and other useless crap "parties" where you were asked to overpay for shit you did not need. Your friendship was used for profit.

Fastforward to the social internet experience....

Now we are bombarded with status updates from our "friends" plugging products. We also have that damned "LIKE" icon that tells us why we should also "like" Bueler's Bar and Pub in Adak, Alaska (along with 15 mutual friends). We are also requested to "like" various causes and fundraisers.

Well, Facebook, take that "LIKE" thumbs-up icon and stick it up your ass.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Age of the Grandstanding Assholes

I'm tired of our media being hijacked by grandstanding assholes drawing attention to themselves because they can throw a temper tantrum like my daughter did when she was two years old.

Never mind analyzing the statistics they spew. Never mind the same party line antics they try to justify. These days just blast yourself on YouTube or send a "fw:fw:fw:PLEASE READ I hope HE's WRONG" email to every dickhead in your address book in an attempt to pursuade others to your political thought process.

Stop it.