The uber-conservative South Carolina Governor, Mark Sanford (married, father of four), was caught in his affair with some woman from Argentina. How's that for family values, you right-wing nut jobs? It seems they all get caught with their wiener where it's not supposed to be. The irony is too much.
Yesterday's paper included the steamy e-mails between Mark Sanford and his mistress. Wow.... the poor bastard is in love, and we as society are totally bashing him. His e-mails to his mistress were full of love and passion. Personally, I would KILL to get such e-mails from a man. It's enough for this left-wing-uber-liberal woman to jump party lines (no pun intended) if these consevative Republicans have so much pent up passion in them.
Let's put this in perspective. This man's fall from grace is being in love. I have a hell of a lot more respect for that than some of these other politicians who are getting away with killing, stealing, and screwing the public.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
More Job Losses
For the most part, I don't believe any statistical data that is thrown at me by the media. I used to give the media some credit, but not anymore. They are whores to political and monetary agendas. Being politics and money go hand-in-hand, it seems a perfect match.
Anyway..... I have the financial pulse on several companies throughout the Bay Area. I also have the financial pulse on several government agencies in Northern California.
Let me tell ya, it ain't pretty, folks. Each and every single entity I deal with is bleeding cash like there is no tomorrow. People are getting their salaries slashed or laid off completely. Even with layoffs, many of the entities I deal with will simply be out of money within the next 12-24 months.
At this point it's crisis management. Nobody has any money. Economic stimulus? Please. The only thing that is getting stimulated is your rear-end as the politicians have you bent over a barrel and give it to you yet again (without a kiss, I might add).
There are so many pirrahanas in the stimulus water that there is not one person who can tell you straight up how and when this so-called savior of our economy is going to help anybody except the upper levels of government bureaucrats and special interests who are at this very minute conspiring how to keep the money for themselves. There is no such thing as "trickle down" unless it's shit, and we all know that rolls downhill.
Now the press is declaring an economic recovery. Really? How does the press have access to intimate financial details of several industries? They're just reporting what is being fed to them by their johns. This leads me to job losses. In one industry I deal with, unemployment is at about 40% and getting worse by the day. The trend is not better for the other industries, I fear...
It's ugly out there, folks. Many people who have lost their jobs have timed out on their unemployment and have rolled of the statistics, therefore creating a false "recovery" in unemployment. They have not gotten new jobs. If they are lucky enough to find additional work, it is at much less than what they were making before.
Back in 1992 I wrote an essay for my Economics 1-A class at SRJC. It was regarding the future of America's economy. I closed it with, "If we are going to have a world economy, the United States will have an economy like the rest of the world."
Welcome to becoming a toilet nation, everybody... we will be no different than Mexico, China, India, or any other shithole country.
Anyway..... I have the financial pulse on several companies throughout the Bay Area. I also have the financial pulse on several government agencies in Northern California.
Let me tell ya, it ain't pretty, folks. Each and every single entity I deal with is bleeding cash like there is no tomorrow. People are getting their salaries slashed or laid off completely. Even with layoffs, many of the entities I deal with will simply be out of money within the next 12-24 months.
At this point it's crisis management. Nobody has any money. Economic stimulus? Please. The only thing that is getting stimulated is your rear-end as the politicians have you bent over a barrel and give it to you yet again (without a kiss, I might add).
There are so many pirrahanas in the stimulus water that there is not one person who can tell you straight up how and when this so-called savior of our economy is going to help anybody except the upper levels of government bureaucrats and special interests who are at this very minute conspiring how to keep the money for themselves. There is no such thing as "trickle down" unless it's shit, and we all know that rolls downhill.
Now the press is declaring an economic recovery. Really? How does the press have access to intimate financial details of several industries? They're just reporting what is being fed to them by their johns. This leads me to job losses. In one industry I deal with, unemployment is at about 40% and getting worse by the day. The trend is not better for the other industries, I fear...
It's ugly out there, folks. Many people who have lost their jobs have timed out on their unemployment and have rolled of the statistics, therefore creating a false "recovery" in unemployment. They have not gotten new jobs. If they are lucky enough to find additional work, it is at much less than what they were making before.
Back in 1992 I wrote an essay for my Economics 1-A class at SRJC. It was regarding the future of America's economy. I closed it with, "If we are going to have a world economy, the United States will have an economy like the rest of the world."
Welcome to becoming a toilet nation, everybody... we will be no different than Mexico, China, India, or any other shithole country.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Well, well, well......
This past weekend was NASCAR hell for those of us in Sonoma County. Highway 37 was already clogged at lunchtime this past Friday. I should know, as I was stuck behind a convoy of trailers and RV's trying to get into Sears Point as I was returning from a meeting in Concord. Oh.... I guess it's not Sears Point anymore, but is now known by some other corporate name that escapes my consciousness at the moment -- and for good reason.
Each year we are bombarded with NASCAR groupies who travel about the country like carnies in their motorhomes/campers/trailers/tents/whatever. Maybe betwixt all of them you will get a full set of teeth and a collective IQ of 89.
These slack-jawed fools will drop their entire life savings to catch a glimpse of some NASCAR jack-ass dressed in a brightly colored racing garb covered with corporate logos and named sponsorships.
What has this NASCAR racing hero these morons worship done to further the advancement humanity? What has this NASCAR contributed for the betterment of society? Here is the answer. He has circled his car around, and around and around, and around, and around again, in a circle. Faster than anybody else. That's it.
And no, some lame sound byte by the NASCAR hero plugging the United Way videoed at a pit stop does not count for the betterment/advancement of society.
Is that what it takes to be a hero in our society? Drive around in a fucking circle faster than anybody else?
We really are a nation of idiots.
This past weekend was NASCAR hell for those of us in Sonoma County. Highway 37 was already clogged at lunchtime this past Friday. I should know, as I was stuck behind a convoy of trailers and RV's trying to get into Sears Point as I was returning from a meeting in Concord. Oh.... I guess it's not Sears Point anymore, but is now known by some other corporate name that escapes my consciousness at the moment -- and for good reason.
Each year we are bombarded with NASCAR groupies who travel about the country like carnies in their motorhomes/campers/trailers/tents/whatever. Maybe betwixt all of them you will get a full set of teeth and a collective IQ of 89.
These slack-jawed fools will drop their entire life savings to catch a glimpse of some NASCAR jack-ass dressed in a brightly colored racing garb covered with corporate logos and named sponsorships.
What has this NASCAR racing hero these morons worship done to further the advancement humanity? What has this NASCAR contributed for the betterment of society? Here is the answer. He has circled his car around, and around and around, and around, and around again, in a circle. Faster than anybody else. That's it.
And no, some lame sound byte by the NASCAR hero plugging the United Way videoed at a pit stop does not count for the betterment/advancement of society.
Is that what it takes to be a hero in our society? Drive around in a fucking circle faster than anybody else?
We really are a nation of idiots.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Staples STILL Sucks!!

Back in January I posted on how Staples fucked me over. Every word I wrote was true. What incentive do I have to lie? None. I am not an employee or former employee, nor am I a stock holder. I am simply a consumer warning the public.
Believe it or not, some of the most stinging comments left on my blog are from current Staples employees. Nice company public relations marketing strategy. I'm sure it works well -- NOT. Piss off money coming in the door. Need I comment more on their intellectual status (or lack thereof)?
I find it amusing and pathetic that some Staples employees immediately jumped to corporate's defense completely bashing my story without even knowing the complete facts involved or what actually took place. I did receive comments from some Staples employees (and former employees) acknowledging the games Staples played in fucking over consumers. I love you. You speak the truth.
Now.... onto the others.....
I can tell that not one of the stinging, acidic comments I received was from a person over the age of 30. I leave your comments up to prove to the public how arrogance and ignorance often go hand-in-hand. This lends me to believe that there are paid bloggers out there trying to diminish any negative comments about their corporate master and to undermine my experience. I could easily delete your comments, but they're too funny and only self incriminate. You further prove my point without any effort on my part whatsoever. Thank you.
I can just see the company handbook. I'm sure there is extra pay for employees to troll the internet looking for posts that dare to bring light to their fascist, corporate ways and BASH THEM WITHOUT KNOWING THE FACTS!!! Still, not *one* comment has answered my bottom line issue: Staples insisted my computer had a liquid spill. It did not. Staples lied.
To the acidic Staples commentators: Just wait to see how gung-ho you are when you finally figure out that you're getting fucked over for not getting a decent pension or health care.... OR for not getting paid the hours you actually work, which I'm sure happens more than you want to admit. Oh, I'm sure the promises of aspiring to be the assistant-mid-manager-to-the-mid-superintendent-to-the-assitant-of-corporate-fuck overs is enough to keep you motivated. By then you'll be making $15.50 per hour. Whoppeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Oh.... maybe you've broken the glass ceiling and you're making $20.00 per hour without benefits. Pardon me. Still... BFD. You're at poverty level. Techno-sweatshop???? You're living it.
Soooo... keep your job for Clearisil users. Too bad you work for a bunch of corporate fucks. I know some of you are smart and will figure it out. You will wake up and realize you are working for the WalMart of office supplies and you are getting used. To you I apologize. You deserve better, and I hope you get it. To the rest........ (explative).
I finally figured it out as a consumer. Sure, I will pay more for what I need, but I will be rid of the toxic, greedy asses that flood American capitalism.
Believe it or not, some of the most stinging comments left on my blog are from current Staples employees. Nice company public relations marketing strategy. I'm sure it works well -- NOT. Piss off money coming in the door. Need I comment more on their intellectual status (or lack thereof)?
I find it amusing and pathetic that some Staples employees immediately jumped to corporate's defense completely bashing my story without even knowing the complete facts involved or what actually took place. I did receive comments from some Staples employees (and former employees) acknowledging the games Staples played in fucking over consumers. I love you. You speak the truth.
Now.... onto the others.....
I can tell that not one of the stinging, acidic comments I received was from a person over the age of 30. I leave your comments up to prove to the public how arrogance and ignorance often go hand-in-hand. This lends me to believe that there are paid bloggers out there trying to diminish any negative comments about their corporate master and to undermine my experience. I could easily delete your comments, but they're too funny and only self incriminate. You further prove my point without any effort on my part whatsoever. Thank you.
I can just see the company handbook. I'm sure there is extra pay for employees to troll the internet looking for posts that dare to bring light to their fascist, corporate ways and BASH THEM WITHOUT KNOWING THE FACTS!!! Still, not *one* comment has answered my bottom line issue: Staples insisted my computer had a liquid spill. It did not. Staples lied.
To the acidic Staples commentators: Just wait to see how gung-ho you are when you finally figure out that you're getting fucked over for not getting a decent pension or health care.... OR for not getting paid the hours you actually work, which I'm sure happens more than you want to admit. Oh, I'm sure the promises of aspiring to be the assistant-mid-manager-to-the-mid-superintendent-to-the-assitant-of-corporate-fuck overs is enough to keep you motivated. By then you'll be making $15.50 per hour. Whoppeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Oh.... maybe you've broken the glass ceiling and you're making $20.00 per hour without benefits. Pardon me. Still... BFD. You're at poverty level. Techno-sweatshop???? You're living it.
Soooo... keep your job for Clearisil users. Too bad you work for a bunch of corporate fucks. I know some of you are smart and will figure it out. You will wake up and realize you are working for the WalMart of office supplies and you are getting used. To you I apologize. You deserve better, and I hope you get it. To the rest........ (explative).
I finally figured it out as a consumer. Sure, I will pay more for what I need, but I will be rid of the toxic, greedy asses that flood American capitalism.
High Maintenance at Longs Drug Store
Watch out. They are EVERYWHERE. I bet one is always in line ahead of you at the supermarket checkout as well.
I'm talking about high maintenance people.
Yesterday when I was at Long's Drug Store there was one in line ahead of me. She had all of her items transacted and the money exchanged. After the transaction, she took a long, slow look at the receipt without stepping away from the checkout lane. In taking her own sweet time, she then decided to argue the price of each and every item the cashier rung her up for as the cashier was 1/2 way through ringing up my purchases. The cashier was simply trying to keep the line moving.
Could this cow wait until MY purchases were rung up and paid for before she jumped in to argue about something? Hell no.
She interrupted the cashier during my transaction to begin the argument. The cashier reluctantly abandoned me to attend to her. I was then subject to how she thought items were misplaced and mis-marked and how she thought she was getting ripped off. She then demanded that an employee walk her to the items she thought were on sale.
Whatever. Just ring up my shit and get me the hell out of here. I don't want to be subject to an adult woman's temper tantrum. The woman was wrong, but she was just trying to make a scene to get something for nothing.
The pain-in-the-ass woman was then upset that a team of employees did not rush to her side to help her. I don't blame them. She voiced out loud, "How come nobody is helping me yet? I see people walking around, but none of them have come forward for me?"
The employees were probably unloading their guns because if they got within range of this obnoxious woman they would have shot her in the face point-blank. Should the Longs employees be found guilty? No. Was it self defense? Yes. Eliminating that cow's gene pool out humanity forever? Priceless.
I'm talking about high maintenance people.
Yesterday when I was at Long's Drug Store there was one in line ahead of me. She had all of her items transacted and the money exchanged. After the transaction, she took a long, slow look at the receipt without stepping away from the checkout lane. In taking her own sweet time, she then decided to argue the price of each and every item the cashier rung her up for as the cashier was 1/2 way through ringing up my purchases. The cashier was simply trying to keep the line moving.
Could this cow wait until MY purchases were rung up and paid for before she jumped in to argue about something? Hell no.
She interrupted the cashier during my transaction to begin the argument. The cashier reluctantly abandoned me to attend to her. I was then subject to how she thought items were misplaced and mis-marked and how she thought she was getting ripped off. She then demanded that an employee walk her to the items she thought were on sale.
Whatever. Just ring up my shit and get me the hell out of here. I don't want to be subject to an adult woman's temper tantrum. The woman was wrong, but she was just trying to make a scene to get something for nothing.
The pain-in-the-ass woman was then upset that a team of employees did not rush to her side to help her. I don't blame them. She voiced out loud, "How come nobody is helping me yet? I see people walking around, but none of them have come forward for me?"
The employees were probably unloading their guns because if they got within range of this obnoxious woman they would have shot her in the face point-blank. Should the Longs employees be found guilty? No. Was it self defense? Yes. Eliminating that cow's gene pool out humanity forever? Priceless.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Letter
I received a letter via snail mail yesterday from my cousin, Tom, who lives near Fargo.
When we were kids, I used to torment the living hell out of him. Tom's sister, Karey, and I would regularly give him atomic hanging wedgies, and commit other heinous acts 'big sisters' often do.
It's all part of having an extremely large family and even larger extended family. Beating up on siblings/cousins was just part of the daily routine. Us middle kids needed an outlet for the hazings we got from the older ones. So, Tom was one of our scapegoat targets for us being he was further down in the family pecking order.
My name for Tom when we were kids was "Spazmodic Twit" which eventually got shortened to just one-syllable "Spaz." To be perfectly honest, Tom should hate my guts. Frankly, I'm surprised he is still speaking to me.
Fast forward a few years. Tom's sister, Karey, dies in a car accident when I was 16 and Tom was 14. I did not realize it at the time, but I was the closest thing to Karey that Tom had, being Karey and I were extremely close. Tom was missing his sister in a big way. I was a teenager myself trying to deal with the sudden loss, and I became lost and confused within myself not even conscious of what Tom was dealing with.
Fast forward a few more years. Tom's parents pass away, the siblings/cousins grow up, get married, and have their own families. The once full house that was the epicenter of activity where many of our childhood memories were created out on the Dakota prarie is now unoccupied.
Fast forward to today. Tom's letter arrives in my mailbox amid real estate flyers, coupons, and other non-essential, non-personal trivial junk mail items. Tom's letter immediately brings a flush of warm memories to life -- and I have not even opened it yet. Just seeing who it was from and the return address of North Dakota was enough for me.
I bring the letter into the kitchen. Is Tom going to curse me out for the many atomic hanging wedgies he received as a kid from me? Is he going to spew at me for the years of therapy he endured trying to elimiate the nickname "Spaz" from his consciousness?
No... Tom writes me of how he is home with his youngest son as he has strep throat. He writes in his own personal chicken-scratch style of how he can't remember the last time he actually wrote a letter to anybody. There was no e-mail, no IM, no Facebook, or no other electronic cheating used.
He wrote a letter to me. He wrote an honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned letter -- complete with the hodge podge stamps being the postage rate went up yet againl
When we were kids, I used to torment the living hell out of him. Tom's sister, Karey, and I would regularly give him atomic hanging wedgies, and commit other heinous acts 'big sisters' often do.
It's all part of having an extremely large family and even larger extended family. Beating up on siblings/cousins was just part of the daily routine. Us middle kids needed an outlet for the hazings we got from the older ones. So, Tom was one of our scapegoat targets for us being he was further down in the family pecking order.
My name for Tom when we were kids was "Spazmodic Twit" which eventually got shortened to just one-syllable "Spaz." To be perfectly honest, Tom should hate my guts. Frankly, I'm surprised he is still speaking to me.
Fast forward a few years. Tom's sister, Karey, dies in a car accident when I was 16 and Tom was 14. I did not realize it at the time, but I was the closest thing to Karey that Tom had, being Karey and I were extremely close. Tom was missing his sister in a big way. I was a teenager myself trying to deal with the sudden loss, and I became lost and confused within myself not even conscious of what Tom was dealing with.
Fast forward a few more years. Tom's parents pass away, the siblings/cousins grow up, get married, and have their own families. The once full house that was the epicenter of activity where many of our childhood memories were created out on the Dakota prarie is now unoccupied.
Fast forward to today. Tom's letter arrives in my mailbox amid real estate flyers, coupons, and other non-essential, non-personal trivial junk mail items. Tom's letter immediately brings a flush of warm memories to life -- and I have not even opened it yet. Just seeing who it was from and the return address of North Dakota was enough for me.
I bring the letter into the kitchen. Is Tom going to curse me out for the many atomic hanging wedgies he received as a kid from me? Is he going to spew at me for the years of therapy he endured trying to elimiate the nickname "Spaz" from his consciousness?
No... Tom writes me of how he is home with his youngest son as he has strep throat. He writes in his own personal chicken-scratch style of how he can't remember the last time he actually wrote a letter to anybody. There was no e-mail, no IM, no Facebook, or no other electronic cheating used.
He wrote a letter to me. He wrote an honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned letter -- complete with the hodge podge stamps being the postage rate went up yet againl
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